1.1 Background of the Study
Training has been defined as “an organised
procedure by which people learn knowledge or
skills for a definite purpose”. It is a process for
equipping the employee particularly the nonmanagement
employee with specific skills e.g.
technical skills like plumbing, electrical wiring,
repairing, artistic skills, clerical and typing skills
that would enable them to improve on their performances and overall efficiency (Banjoko,
Asobie (2002), states that the objective of
training is to enable employees to perform
his/her job in such a way as to meet the standards
of output, quality, waste control, safety and other
operational requirements.
Ayodele (2003) states that, for the fact that ours
is a world that is currently undergoing rapid
changes particularly in the area of skill
obsolescence and technological capability,
training is not exclusively reserved for newly
employed staff but also for the old employees as
well. It is therefore, for the purpose of enhancing
individual performance that training and
development should be made a continuous
process that should last through an employees
entire working life. Anyanwu (2004) affirms that
because low and middle level employees need to
adapt to new skills and technologies, while
managers and top management personnel need
deeper knowledge and understanding of their
jobs, the jobs of others, a good understanding of where and how their jobs fit into the wider
organisation pattern, an understanding of
government and societal constraints, and a
sensitive social awareness of the environment
within which organisation or school operates.
For jobs like teaching that requires complex and
diverse range of skills and knowledge, a period of
apprenticeship training is usually required. For
example, in technical jobs such as carpentry,
plumbing, printing, welding, engraving, tool
making, and other jobs that require long period
of practice and experience, apprenticeship
programmes are necessary if the trainee is to
fully grasp or understand the intricacies and
complexities of the job. Besides, since training
takes place over an extended period of time, the
distributed learning necessary to master such
skills is able to take place. In addition, when
apprenticeship programmes or training is well
planned and operated, it permits the integration
of the best features of on-the-job training and
off-the-job training. It gives the apprentice an
opportunity to earn something while learning
(Banjoko, 2001).
Constant training or organisation of seminars,
workshops and other courses for teachers would
improve to a great extent, the effectiveness and
efficiency of teachers’ productivity in the school
environment. Teachers occupy a central position
in harnessing the administrative and material
resources necessary to blend with learners
(students). According to Nkemakolam (2005), a
close look at the Nigerian schools, especially the
public schools, one would find out that there
exists a shortage of technical teachers in many
primary and secondary schools. This is largely
due to lack of job satisfaction as a result of poor
conditions of service, lack of motivation,
ineffectiveness on the job due to non-further
training etc. In any case, this affects students’
academic performance.
Onuoha and Uzodinma (2000), state that once an organization has employed those it considered qualified,
suitable and competent to perform those jobs for which they were hired, it must embark on an effective training
and development programme that is necessary to enhance the productive capabilities of the newly hired
employees, while it also embarks on training and retratining the old workers or employees in order to maximize
their productivity.
Training of staff is important in the following ways: to remove performance deficiency; to match the employees’
abilities with the job requirements and organizational needs; to enhance organizational viability and the
transformation process, to cope with the new technological advancement; to improve quality and quantity of
work; to improve productivity and efficiency; to help staff cope with increased organizational complexity resulting
from increased mechanization automation. Training, sometimes, may be undertaken to enhance employees’ selfesteem;
to boost staff morale and thereby improve organisational climate, especially, in the school (Munonye,
For teachers to maximize their potentials or exhibit maximum effectiveness in their duties in the school system,
constant staff training and development programmes must be put in place and these programmes must be geared
towards the enhancement and improvement of teachers work performance which will also enhance the academic
performance ofstudents in the school environment.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Training is very essential in the creation of high productivity of staff, especially teachers in the school system.
When teachers are not trained, it brings about emptiness in teaching and learning process. Non-trained teachers
in the school are not only cheats, they are not helping the school system to grow and develop. People who teach
in the school without having the required qualifications, are the causes of low standard of education and low
students’ academic performance (Ayo, 2003).
The school system in Nigeria, has the problem of untrained teachers who have greatly infiltrated into the teaching
profession, because they think that teaching is an all-comers’ job. They think that everyone knows how to teach,
but they forget that not everyone is trained to teach. Untrained and inexperience teachers lack the mastery of
content (what to teach), the methodology (how to teach). Any teachers who do not possess the mastery of both
what to teach and how to teach cannot be said to be a teacher in the first place. Untrained and teachers
therefore, lack the skills and the capabilities to achieve the goods in teaching and learning process. It is this belief
that the researcher is motivated to find out the extent to which training influence teachers development and their
job performance in secondary school.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of the study is to examine the teachers’ training and work performance in selected secondary
schools in Mainland Local Government Area of Lagos State.
Other objectives of the study include:
(1) To find out what types of training programmes are available for teachers in schools
(2) To evaluate the training needs of teachers in the school.
(3) To differentiate the productivity of male and female teachers in the school.
(4) To find out whether there is a relationship between training of teachers and academic performance of
students in the school.
1.4 Research Questions
The following research questions will be raised in this study:
1. What types of training programmes are available for secondary teachers in Lagos State?
2. What areas do teachers need to be trained as identified by them?
3. How do we differentiate the productivity of male and female teachers in the school?
4. Will there be any relationship between training of teachers and academic performance of students in the
1.5 Research Hypotheses
The following hypotheses will be formulated and tested in this study:
1. The types of training programmes available for teachers will not affect their productivity in secondary
2. There is no significant difference between the productivity of male and female teachers in Lagos State.
3. There is no significant relationship between the training of teachers and teachers’ productivity levels.
1.6 Significance of the Study
This study will be beneficial to the following individuals in many ways:
1. Principals: This study will help managers of the school system, benefit from the findings and
recommendations made by the researcher. This is because, the principals would be able to understand the
essence of maintaining a conducive atmosphere in the school. It is important that principals maintain good
relationship with their teachers and students so that they will be able to have good school climate running
in the schoolfor the overall maximization of high productivity.
2. Teachers: They will benefit from this study because it will enable them to be able to know more about
the essence of having good principal – teacher relationships in the school, and how bad principal – teacher
relationship can affect the school atmosphere badly. This is because nothing works in an organization or
school where there is rancour and bad blood amongst principals, teachers and school community or even
students and parents. For the school to achieve its goals and objectives, it must operate on good climate
or cordial culture which promote high productivity.
3. Parents: Parents being one of the important stakeholders in the school system, ought to be in
good relationship with the principals, the teachers and all that are in the school. Therefore, assisting
parents to be able to be well informed on the importance of having their children in schools where there is
good relationship among the school personnel and schools where there is provision of infrastructures and
other amenities in the school.
4. Society: The society will be able to appreciate this study because, it will enable them to have the insight
on the essence ofschool climate which promotes high productivity of both teachers and the students. Not
only the society, the young researchers and others in the society will find this study a good reference
material in their studies.
1.7 Scope of the Study
This study will cover the examination of the staff training in selected secondary schools in Mainland Local
Government Area of Lagos State.
1.8 Definition of Terms
The following terms were operationally defined thus:
Employee Behaviour: Refers to manners, moral conduct and treatment shown to or towards management.
Workers’ Productivity: This has to do with the total output or result of work obtainable from the input of employees in any organisation. In other words, it is the total production level of all the workers in a company,
industries, schools and other parastatals within the private and public sectors.
Job fulfillment: This is the finalresult an organization intends to see from the employees after being motivated.
Training: This means training somebody for something in order to be somebody or something; the act of giving
teaching and practice to an individual or a worker in order to bring to a directed standard of behaviour, efficiency
or physical condition.
Staff Training and Development: Training and development are processes for equipping the employees
particularly the non-managerial employees with specific skills e.g. technical skills such as plumbing, electrical,
wiring, repairing, artistic skills, clerical and typing skills that could enable them to improve on their performances
and overall efficiency. Adamson and Adamson (2000) state that the objective of training and development on the
job is to enable an employee to perform his job in such a way as to meet the standards of output, quality, waste
control, safety and other operational requirements.