Marketing information services by educational institutions
Project Abstract:
The primary purpose of marketing information services is to support teaching, learning and research in ways consistent with, and supportive of the institution’s mission and goals. In addition, information services should be sufficient in quality, depth, diversity, and currency to support the institutional curriculum. As a result of this, educational institutions information centers are often considered the most important resource centre of an academic institution. However educational institutions in Nigeria generally are facing critical challenges in meeting new demands of the 21st century, with its ever increasing population growth, inadequate library facilities, resources and insufficient funding. Adequate marketing of information services, at the appropriate level for degrees offered should be made available to support the intellectual, cultural and technical development of students in all educational institutions.The growth of research in all fields of human endeavor is becoming increasingly detailed and sophisticated, teachers and students have realized that information services has great roles to play in the provision of sound education and its utilization for the day-to-day research. Moreover, marketing information services acts as a medium of getting the latest scientific and technological information either in print or electronic form. Educational institutions collect a variety of materials for preservation and utilization of information services based on their preference for such information. These resources include not only traditional print-on-paper media like books, journals, newspapers, and maps, but also audio visual materials like records, audio cassette, video cassette and projector. The research findings indicate that the utilization and preferences of marketing information in educational institution determines the extent or level of educational development in these institutions. This conform to theoretical assessment as highlighted in this study.