



Time management is the allocation of proper and adequate time to a particular task and having them done within the frame. For a proper work to be done, there must be time in it and we know that time is very necessary in our business in particular our life in general. The aim of this research work is therefore aimed at finding those methods secretaries used in solving problems of time management and achieve efficiency in their jobs. Furthermore, the researcher were able to collect some data through a structured questionnaire drawn steps and in accordance with the research questions. These data were analysed in tables using from where result were stated.





The allocation of time to life’s activities is fundamental to human existence. According to Mc Fadden and Dart (1992). Some of the human activities to which time is very important are in the business profession. The underlying theme of time management is the notion of efficiency that time can be allocated in a way that optimize the return of goal achievement. Secretaries work with constant and rapid flow of information in organization. To contribute in the processing of information, secretaries must be able not only to organize their effectiveness and efficiency to work in a way to increase their contributions to the organizations but manage others. Effectiveness according to Jennings (1981) is producing a defined or a desired result. While efficiency is the act of producing the desired result within a minimum of efforts expense and time wastage.

According to Njoku (1996) time management  involves developing, acquiring knowledge, skills and equipment to extend performance beyond present capabilities, controlling attitude and emotions that have a tendency to steal time and developing effective reminders, method for following through on each task at the appropriate time. The secretary should be interested in deivising ways of ensuring option and effective utilization of available time so as to obtain maximum productivity and enhance job effectiveness. Furthermore, in Gilles (1990), time management is an essential principle in an approach to reducing stress. Effective time management means analysis in what needs to be done, setting priorities, determining the best and most effective ways to do the job, and eliminate things that waste time.

Still according to Gilles (1990), time is irreversible and irreplaceable, so the effective use of her time to achieve efficiency. From the foregoing, it can be seen that secretaries occupy key positions in organizations either in the private or public industries. Terry (1996) said that it is what the secretary does, she manage, plan, organize, accurate control, not only her own activities but also the activities of her subordinates, according to the same author, time management helps to ensure that no part of the secretarial duties will be neglected. Furthermore,   the jobs of secretaries are made easier and more satisfying by time management. He said that an awareness of the value of time is the basis of more effective utilization. Perhaps to increase time awareness, the hourly value of a secretary’s time would be calculated with this as a base, the optimum allocation and usage  of the secretary’s time would be on those activities that promises the greatest returns of the organization. A focus on secretarial job efficiency shows that the success of the organization depends on how secretary manages her time in handling responsibilities coming to her in the organization, therefore a secretary who managed her time effectively in discharging her duties will attend a greater height of efficiency in any business organizations.


The allocation of time is very important to human beings and to achieve any goal of all to make our work efficient and effective, we have to make proper adequate and appropriate use of time. According to Obodo and Ogbu (1999), time management is the allocation of proper and adequate time to a particular task and having them done within the frame. Time as we know is very necessary in our business in particular and life in general. Obodo and Ogbu, said that time is not only a unique resources but also a limiting factor which we cannot hire, buy o obtain as an inelastic resources, which cannot be stretched or extended, no matter how high the demand. This gives to the fact that time is a passive thing within the limit organization must make proper use of time in their working place. Workers should make use of appropriate time required to carry out orders, instructions and duties etc.

On the whole, the researcher ha seen how non challent attitude of workers and managers in other places of work has helped in no small measure in bringing about staff turn over, low profit margin etc. more often than not, some organizations have gone insolvent owing to unproportional use of time in achieving the organizations goals and objectives. The research hence forth is in dare need to find out how proper time management facilitates the work of secretary or how the reversal constraints the performance of a secretary. In the course of this research work, the research will find out the problems and prospects of time management and proper solution where necessary.


The objective of this study is to investigate the problems of time management to the performance of secretaries. This research intend to find out

(1)  The various time management techniques adopted by the performance of secretaries.

(2)  The various methods the secretaries use to solve the problems of time wastage and achieve efficiency in jobs.

(3)  To highlight the benefits an organization derive from effective time management and performance of the secretary.


This study investigates the problems of time management to the performance of secretaries. It reveals if it affects or enhances secretarial job productivity and efficiency in federal government owned establishments in Enugu metropolis.


In carrying out the research work, the following questions have been selected design as general guide in the research work.

1.  What are the various time management skill adopted by working secretaries.

2.  What methods do the secretaries use to solve the problems of time wastage and advance efficiency in jobs?

3.  What are the benefits an organization enjoy due to time management skills by working secretaries.

4.  What are the problems of time management in an organization.


Significance of the study in context of this research refers to the importance or usefulness of the research, since the ultimate aim of every research is to provide knowledge and information that will bring about a better understanding of the topic under review. At the beginning of this research, it was stated that the allocation of time is very important to human brings and to achieve any goal at all or to make our work efficient and effective we have to make proper adequate and appropriate use of time. Time is very necessary in our business in particular and life in general. However, secretarial job efficiency shows that the success of organization depends on how secretary manages her time in handling responsibilities coming to her in the organization, therefore a secretary  who managed her time effectively in discharging her duties will attend a greater height of efficiency in any business organizations.

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