This project work is aimed to reveal the usefulness of database in financial institution which will store all relevant information of all its work, process necessary document retrieved, edit and update information concerning worker and customers. The amount of data being handled by organization has grown larger in recent years that managing it properly has become a sophisticated operation, an operation you are likely to be involved in the financial environment. In any organization, information concerning them and each of their customers are kept in file. In this file, a row of data is referred to as record and an individual piece of data within a records are kept on paper file jacket. This type of storage is fraught with many problems. For instance, as the amount of records increase the volume of paper work involve also increase. This will in turn result in problem of storage space. It becomes generally more difficult to manage such a system. Also retrieval of information becomes cumbersome to tackle these problems, this project work “the usefulness of database in financial institution” is applied.