The use of Computer-Assisted Instruction in teaching and learning i.e. dissemination of knowledge and instruction in Schools is the application of computer machine, related designs and programme in order to enhance eective teaching and also help in the growth and achievement of educational aims and objectives in Secondary Schools. The history of computer in education has been variously characterized as an “accidental revolution” or “unthinking man and his thinking machines”. Others have said that computer revolution has changed the adage that “necessity is the mother of invention”, in a computer world to “invention is the mother of necessity”. It can be traced back to the 1960’s. However it is clear that innovators in this field have created some of the most provocative and stimulating ideas in the history and development of Education. Broadly speaking the two major functions of education are to transmit the Culture, Values and Norms of the past to the current generations and also to prepare children for the world in which they will live.
This task is becoming more difficult than ever but the use of computer and Computer-Assisted Instruction in teaching and learning i.e. disseminating knowledge and instruction in Secondary Schools has made education life easier to access and explore by both educational instructors and an average Secondary School pupil. The use of Computer-Assisted Instruction provides one to one interaction with a students as well as an instantaneous response to the answers elicited and to allow student to learn and proceed at their own pace. Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) is the use of a computer programme to analyse data on learner’s performance and instructional progress as an aid to teachers in selecting learning activities. It helps in recording and reporting data on student progress and finding instructional activities which are most times consuming aspect of an educators work, but having computers to assist these major activities free up teachers to spend more direct time with the students. The use of CAI uses specific skills and knowledge which is narrowed to a content area and grade range that can be used to help student through h problem processing such as word processors, news letter programmes, spreadsheets, data base, audio editor or presentation of data programmes. It also helps and enables individual students in Secondary Schools to have a full knowledge of the computer and also to be able to operate and work on a computer system.
Several methods and techniques have been adopted by teachers and educational instructor and also government in order to encourage the appropriate use of CAI in Secondary Schools but this process has been encountering series of problem and challenges influence by the full implementation of this valuable idea to some economic factors. The following limiting factors hindering the full implementation of these noble idea are such as lack of stable power supply, political instability, inadequate funding by the government in Secondary Schools, unstable government policies, insecurities of life and properties, lack of trained and experienced teachers in Secondary Schools and lack of effective control of the use of CAI programme and educational software in Secondary Schools.