Title page—————————————————-
Approval Page———————————————–
Table of Contents——————————————-
Chapter One
- Introduction——————————————–
- Background Of The
1.3 Statement of the Problem—————————–
1.4 Research Questions————————————
1.5 Justification of the Study——————————
1.6 Scope of the Study————————————
1.7 Objective of The Study——————————–
Chapter Two
2.0 Literature
2.1 Introduction——————————————–
2.2 Malaria————————————————-
2.3 Malaria Life Cycle————————————–
2.4 Malaria Symptoms————————————-
2.5 ‘Western’ Diagnosis And Treatment——————-
2.6 Traditional Diagnosis and Treatment——————
2.7 Immunity———————————————-
2.8 Prevention and Control——————————–
2.9 Placebo Effect——————————————
2.10 History of Malaria————————————–
2.11 Dr. Marcola’s Comments——————————-
Chapter Three
3.0 Methodology——————————————-
3.1 Introduction——————————————–
3.2 Nature of the Population——————————-
3.3 Sample Size and Why———————————-
3.4 Sampling Method Adopted—————————–
3.5 Resource Material————————————–
3.6 The Research Design Adopted————————-
3.7 Limitations of The Study——————————
3.8 Definition of Terms————————————
Chapter Four
4.0 Presentation
and Analysis Of Data———————
4.1 Introduction——————————————–
4.2 Data Analysis Technique——————————-
4.3 Data Presentation————————————–
4.4 Data Analysis——————————————
4.5 Hypothesis Test —————————————
Chapter Five
5.0 Summar, findings, conclusion, and
- Introduction——————————————–
- Findings ———————————————–
Conclusion ———————————————
- Recommendations ———————————–
(Questionnaire) ——————————
This research work is about the curative efficiency of drugs and herbs against malaria. For centuries ago, people have been suffering malaria till date, due to parasite transmitted by female mosquitoes of genus anopheles which have resistant to some anti-malaria medicines and insecticides. However, the anti-malaria medicines and drugs like Artesunate, Waipa and Laridos had been researched for the remedy of the affects of the parasite.
The challenges that led the researcher into this research
topic was the individual efficiency of drugs and herbs, the effects, how it is diagnosed, prevention
and control and its characteristics at large. These are objectives measures
under consideration this research work. The research were conducted through
sampling of the population under study with drafted questionnaire, interview
and observation methods to gather data for the analysis Chi-square tests were
the test statistics used to test the independence of the medicines regards to
their efficiency and patients’ day of recovery.
On the synopsis of findings, conclusions and recommendations, drugs and herbs are independent of the curative efficiency and dependent of days of recovery with respect to medicine used and recommendation were drawn for the improvement of human health.
This research is
about the statistical analysis of curative efficiency of drugs against malaria.
This parasite; malaria is a very common disease in tropical and sub-tropical
regions. It has killed millions of people and still on the realm of the livings
causing abnormality in human health. However, this research has about five chapters and each chapter
revolves on the subject matter. The subsequent chapter is the review of
literature about malaria.
Moreover, the procedure with which the research were carried out successfully were therein for the readers, followed by the presentation and analysis of the research. In the last chapter, it’s about the summary, conclusions, findings and recommendations as regards to the whole work.