Entrepreneur has the ability to deal effectively with time: Successful entrepreneurs are not afraid of failing; they are intent on succeeding but accept failures and use it as a way of learning so that they can manage their undertaking efficiently. Time may constitute a problem but deal with it. Question your use of time. Successful entrepreneurs are futuristic. They have foresight and are very perceptive; it is true that power and status are accurate to them but they focuses on opportunities, customers, the market trend, the competitors rather than on any need for status or power over others.
Use feed back and skills in taking realistic and calculated risk. The question “how are we doing” is ever present in the mind of entrepreneur rigorously and aggressively in pursue feedback that will enable them to engage in their progress and effectiveness. The good cordial relationship with people and expanding their network is useful contact and influence for entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurial: According to Tibi and Egwuelu, stated that entrepreneurial means “combining personal characteristics, financial means and resources within your environment,” to them each entrepreneur has unique characteristics, hence some are big, some medium while others are small.
Entrepreneur play very important role in economic development of a nation. In economic, entrepreneur is an economic leader who posses the ability to recognizes opportunities for successful introduction of new plant and equipment, management of labour force, and to shape them into a running concern.
According to Thingan (1997), the word “entrepreneur” has been taken from the French language where it was originally meant to designate a musical or other entertainment. It explains that entrepreneur is the able person, who organize and manage commercial activities of a nation. As clearly stated or said by “Economist” that entrepreneur is the backbone of any nation. Because it plays major role in the economic development of a nation which are as follow:
Job creation.
Community development.
Provision of needed goods and services.
Pooling of financial resource.
Social responsibilities: Which deals with provision of amenities to
the nation at large.
Facilitated the standard of living of the people.
Furthermore, the “Entrepreneur” has that usual combination of strength in both creativity and management. In new ventures, these strength enable the entrepreneur to conceive and launch a new business as well as to make it grow and succeed. Because this strength so rarely coexist in one individual. Entrepreneurship is often found in people who combine their strength in any form of economic and political set up of a country. The entrepreneur can also be seen as a vital player in a game with unusual skills who strategize his plans in the pursuit of his or her goals in order to ensure that the game is won. Entrepreneurship is essential to economic development among socialist, capitalist and mixed economist of the world. In a socialist country, the state is the entrepreneur, so is the case in capitalist and underdeveloped country where private entrepreneurship is said to undertaking the risks associated with new venture.