This study evaluate the role of cooperative in
employment generation in Nchara Oloko in Ikwuano L.G.A Of Abia state Nigeria
according to some authors they see cooperative as an organization which
comprises a group of person in the sociological sense, who operate individual,
private business households in which one or more common aims/problem have
arisen and has/have brought the group together in self & or mutual help
towards solving the common problems by means of a business enterprise which is
jointly owned/maintained by the group and is meant to produce not just any
goods/services but rather good and services as required by and made available
directly to the business household of the members in response to a special
charge to promote the (economic) welfare of the members as individual private
businessmen, owners of private households and in the special case of the
productive cooperative, employees of the cooperative enterprises.
resources of data namely, primary and secondary data were used.
Questionnaires were also used as a research
instruments to supplement information while the hypothesis testing was conduced
using chi-square (x) 2 at the end of the study, it was deduced that
problem such as: the following hinders cooperative business viz:
Lack of capital
Lack of member’s commitment to cooperative business.
Poor management ability etc
On the basis of the above findings, and
conclusion the following recommendations were made to improve the performance
Exploring all available opportunities was made to expand their fund raising ability.
Cooperative should mobilize and move funds so as to be involved in more economic activities, that will generate more employment with the above recommendations, it is hoped that the performance (Role of cooperative within the L.G.A. and beyond especially on their employment generation will improve).
Title page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv-v
Abstract vi-vii
Table of contents ix-x
1.0 Introduction
General overview of the study 1-4
Statement of the study 4-5
Objective of the study 5-6
Scope of the study 6-7
Research hypothesis 7-8
Statement of hypothesis 8
Significance of the study 8-9
Limitation of the study 9-10
Definition of terms 10-11
2.0 Literature
review 12
- An overview of
cooperative business 12-20
- Problem
related to cooperative business 21-24
- The employment
creation potential of
The comparative advantage of cooperatives in the field of employment generation/creation and stabilization. 27-34
3.0 Research
methodology 35
Introduction 35
Research design 35-36
Sampling design 36-38
Sources and data collection 38-42
4.0 Presentation
and analysis of data 42-46
5.0 Summary, conclusion and recommendation 50
- Summary of
findings 50-53
Bibliography 57-58
Appendix 59
Questionnaires 60-63
according to Chukwu (1990:1) is a generic term. It implies any form of two or
more persons working together to achieve some aim, such working together many
be on a formalized or informal basis, economic or non-economic.
However, a cooperative society is an association of person who have voluntarily joined together to achieve a common goals through the formation of a democratically controlled organization, it has long been a human characteristics to fraternize to provide food, shelter, employment and other forms of mutual support, mutual benefits derivable by families and individuals working together at harvest.
More over cooperative
has involved as a strategy to generate economic activities in area of high
implement i.e. generation of employment, such as Ikwuano L.G.A. or wherever the
local economy is work or virtually non-existents.
membership is open to the residents of a particular locality. The establishment
of community enterprises will almost certainly be multi functional in that it
will be responsible for a member and a number of specific projects at any given
time. It will both initiate business idea within the people in Nchara Oloko and
help the masses to develop their ideas. It may also intervene in various ways
in the local economy of Nchara in particular and national economy at large. It
may sponsor projects of community benefits in addition to its own trading
activities and business development and local development both holding company
and local development agency, with the aim of seeking to provide a communal
structure in a particular locality on behalf of the residence such specific
enterprises might be floated as self sustaining business life cooperative.
community is thus more than trading organization it is a means of stimulating
new business growth in areas like Nchara Oloko and also among people where
there is little or not tradition of entrepreneurial activities and usually a
history of long term unemployment and social depreciation.
cooperative and community business are established mostly in areas of high
unemployment so as to generate employment where their starting is likely to be
the question posed by local people. What can we do to get people employed.
search for forms of self-help by community groups and unemployment themselves
have gained considerable momentum in the last decade. As practical experience
has been gained more groups have been inspired to do something in their own
areas, an action born out of a growing belief that neither public nor private
industry will be quick enough to provide the job that are needed and of a
preference to do something rather than wait on other action.