Every profession faces a number of problems. Some of these problems are inherent in the profession while others arise as a result of the workers attitude. The secretarial profession is not an exception to these problems. This study has been designed to look into the problems encountered by married female secretaries.
According to the National Secretaries Association of United States of America, a secretary is an assistant to executive, possessing mastery of office skills and ability to assume responsibility without direct supervision, who display initiative, exercise judgment and make decision within the scope of her authority. From the above definition, secretaries are indispensable in business organization both small and large organizations.
Unfortunately, the role of a secretary especially in Nigeria is not quite understood by most people. It therefore, follows that most of the problems confronting the secretarial profession are as a result of misconception by people. People don’t seem to understand what secretarial profession entails.
Consequently, the married female secretaries in the profession always faced with numerous problems.
The problems encountered by married female secretaries are numerous and are ranged from their homes, their jobs and from people with whom they work and transact business with. Other hurdles they faced are those bearing labels such as sexual harassment, job stress and office politics. The greatest conflicts which married female secretaries has to live within their day-to-day activities is marrying their official duties with their domestic affairs.
In the same vain, married female secretaries also faced with some positive problems such as expecting them to exhibit a sense of responsibility show a sign of maturity, loyalty and reliability in the performance of their duties.
A secretary is that person in an organization who deals with the correspondences, keeps accounts, keeps records and in addition, arranges appointments for her executives. The nature of secretarial work is such that a certain degree of confidence and rapport must exist between her and her boss and this may lead to a social suspicion in such a relationship and this may trigger matrimonial hassles.