Technological trend in recent time’s
nit nesses an appreciable decrease in hardware cost, implementation in
microchip technology and a boost in the use of micro – computer’s in all ere as
of human life. The health industry is among the sectors formed by the
innovation, effected by the multiplicity of flexible, easy to use and
interactive software packages tailor to meet the handicaps of the medical
profession and to provide a relief of the human effort involved in the
practice. This project report tend to describe computer base system of medical
diagnosis the chemical feature of some common illness and their different
treatment are distinguish able by the use of oral interview. This system
interrogates a patient using the general principle and technology of chemical
examination. With details of inference to the underlying diseases and
recommendations for treatment. This study course only the diagnosis of such
illness as feverish conditions that do not involve the service of a medical
laboratory test such as malaria parasite, ealmoneilosis infections (typhoid)
hepatitis upper respiratory track infections (URTI) and septicemia (infection
of the blood with bacteria). The features and working principles of a typical
expert – system are allied in the design and implementation of the system is a
help to draw conclusion from the knowledge based. The information were
extracted from different experts in medical profession. The analysis of the
existing system was taken into consideration before the development of the
software in other to ensure prompt and timely information and recommend
treatment for the patient. The new system is very interactive and flexible and
is capable of solving any medical diagnosis problem within the scope. A
software was developed with Q basic as the language of the program is based on
flexibility. Since the ultimate aim of this project as to design and diagnosis
support system of artificial inteligate (A.I) that mimic the expertise doctor
in clinical diagnosis.
project work is divided into seven chapters.
one is a survey of the health industry, the medical profession with a brief
exposure of their inherent handicaps that calls for allevation or present the
problem that triggered the design of the system and the aims and objectives of
the study.
chapter two the researcher took a critical and conceive look on the literature
review of the system and other work works that are lifted by other people in
the medical field.
chapter three traced the description and analysis of the existing system. The
method of data collection, the problems of the existing system and
justification for new system.
four is a details design of the computer aided system for diagnosis and
treatment of illness stating its system requirement, the file design and the
input / output specifications with appropriate illustration. The procedure and
system flow chart.
five moved for the effective implementation of the designed system where the
programs and pseudo code were discussed.
six talked about the appropriate documentation of the system and the user’s
guide for efficiency.
seven summarizes the entire work as conclusion and fare recommendation and
areas of further studies, moreso, the authors whose book were reference in this
work are included in the references.
Title page i
Certification ii
Approval iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Organization of work vii
Table of content viii
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Statement of
problem 2
1.2 Aims and
objectives 2
1.3 Purpose of
study 3
1.4 Significant of
study 3
1.5 Scope/Delimitations 4
1.6 Limitations/Constraints 4
1.7 Assumption of
study 5
1.8 Definition of
terms 5
2.0 Literature
review 6
3.0 Description
and analysis of the existing system 9
3.1 Fact-finding
method/ methodology 9
3.2 Organisational
Structure/Organogram 10
3.3 Objectives of
the existing system 10
3.4 Input,
Process, and Output Analysis 11
3.4.1 Input Analysis 11
3.4.2 Process Analysis 11
3,4.3 Output Analysis 11
3.5 Information
Flow diagram 12
3.6 Problems of
the existing system 12
3.7 Justification
of the new system 13
4.0 Design of the
new system 14
4.1 Design
Standard 14
4.2 Output specification
and design 14
4.3 Input
specification and design 14
4.3.1 file
design 15
4.4 Procedure
chart 16
4.5 Systems
flowchart 17
4.6 System
requirements 18
4.6.1 Hardware Requirements 18
4.6.2 Software Requirements 18
4.6.3 Operational Requirements 18
4.6.4 Personnel Requirements 18
5.0 Implementation 19
5.1 Design
Standard 19
5.2 Program design 20
5.2.1 Program
Flowchart 20
5.2.2 Pseudo
code 24
5.3 Coding 25
5.4 Test Data/Test
Run 31
5.5 User Training
– An overview 31
5.6 Cutover
Process 31
6.0 Documentation 32
6.1 The user
documentation 32
6.2 The programmer
documentation &