Each of us should determine with God’s help to be the best of whatever we are. Some pastors have stressed one or more of these relationships to the detriment of the others. But God expects from us “reasonable service,” and there should be no conflict in our relationships and duties. When we allow conflicts to arise it is because we have our priorities confused. Now, let us consider the pastor’s relationships to his wife and family.” A pastor has a family. Sometimes the congregation forgets. Sometimes even the pastor seems to forget. If the pastor is single, relatives and close friends are the family. Each member of that family–as each member of your family–has needs to be met and potentials to be developed. Peter preached, recalling Genesis and God’s promise to Abraham, “In your descendants all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Acts 3:25). So we become one family in Christ, caring for every member of the body. Sometimes a pastor’s family may feel that the church members are the pastor’s family, because they seem to have more impact on the pastor. Whenever they call, whatever they want, the pastor seems to be ready to counsel, teach, preach and visit. Because pastors care about what they do, it often is difficult for them to turn people away who crowd into family time. More and more pastors, however, are scheduling regular time away from their pastoral duties for their families in addition to time for themselves. There are great rewards in the pastor’s home. Children have access to a parent at times other children can’t reach theirs