The specific aim of this work was to know the changes in the role of the
modern secretary and its implication on the productivity secretary, which is
run in institutions of higher learning. The population comprised of all
secretaries working in selected modern offices in Aba metropolis and the sample was all the
secretaries holding National Diploma/Higher National Diploma qualifications in
secretarial Administration programme.
An office to office inquiries were made, out of which first handed
information were gotten and used for analysis.
The method of office to office inquiries showed that the facilities used in the higher institutions in training the secretary are not adequate while most of them are not in line with the ones available in modern offices, and of course not used by modern secretaries in doing their work.
Title page
Approval page
Table of contents
- Introduction
1.1 Background
of the study
1.2 Statement
of the problem
1.3 purpose
of the study
1.4 Significance
of the study
- Review of related literature
2.1 The
classical and modern views of the
2.2 The
traditional role of the secretary
2.3 The
modern role of the secretary
2.4 Secretarial
administration programme in institutions
higher learning
- Secretarial
administration curriculum
- Summary of
literature review
3.1 Design of
the study
3.2 Area of
the study
3.3 Population
of study
3.4 Sample
and Sampling Techniques
3.5 Instrument
for data collection
3.6 Method
for data analysis
- Presentation and
analysis of findings
4.1 Analysis
of research question
- Summary of Findings,
conclusion and
5.1 Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
5.4 Suggestion
of Further Research.
One Letter of transmitter
Appendix two Questionnaire
1.1 Background of the Study
Secretary is said to be an
important tool in any organization (Azuka and Agomuo, 1993). This statement
could be confirmed form the total organization goals. The role o secretary,
however, has assumed some changes over the years from traditional role to
modern role. The secretary formally was known for performing the traditional
role which included typing of documents, taking dictation in shorthand
transcribing the dictation materials with the typewriter, and carrying out
other clerical work (Austine 1974).
During that period, the training if a secretary was obtained trough commercial or vocational schools, mainly owned by private individuals such establishment had no certificate examinations, or if they pretended to have , such in house examination were not recognized by employers, rather students of such institutes went out on their own to enter for single –subject or composite subject examinations given by recognized examining bodies such as royal society of arts (RSA) the pitman faculty of secretaries, London chambers of commerce ands the like in stages J. II, III – (Amaefula, 1997). The role of secretaries presently. Has been enhanced to meet the requirement of modern business world. The work of a secretary does not end at traditional role as mentioned above but also managerial and administrative role. Thus secretary can now sit in for the personnel manger, administrative/office manager book-keeper, correspondent, organization and methods manager, public relations manager, etc which are part of the modern role of the secretary (Maduabuachi, 1993). This has been made possible by the training she received in the institution of higher learning under secretarial administration programme.
Secretarial administration programme is one of the
technical/business education programmes approved by National Board for
Technical education (NBTE) to be offered in accredited universities,
polytechnics and collages of education in Nigeria. This programme is
introduced to ensure effective ad adequate preparation pf prospective
secretarial in skills, general business and offices so that on graduation the
secretary would have acquired sufficient academic and professional knowledge.
Giving strong idea to this, the NBTE curriculum and course specification on secretarial administration (1990) states only proficiency in the use of the typewriter and phonographic skills as was the cased in the previous years, but has to acquire a thorough detailed knowledge of office administration and management which can make work only not as a secretary but also as an office manager when occasion demands.