1.1 Background to the Study
Ready to eat foods can be described as the status of foods of being ready for immediate consumption at the point
of sale. Ready to eat foods could be raw or cooked, hot or chilled and can be consumed without further heat
treatment (Tsang, 2002). Different terms have been used to describe such ready to eat foods. These includes
convenient, ready, instant and fast foods. Examples of such ready to eat foods include pastries, chicken pie, meat
pie sausage rolls, Burger, moin moon salad , fried meat, milk and milk products ( Caserani and Kinston, 1974).
A general observation of our society shows a social pattern characterized by increased mobility. Large numbers
of itinerary workers and less family or home centered activities. This situation however has resulted in more
ready to eat foods taken outside home. Thus food vendor services become on the increase and responsibility for
good manufacturing practices of food such as good sanitary measures and proper food handling have been
transferred from individuals/ families to the food vendors who rarely enforces such practices (Musa and Akande,
According to Doyle and Evans (1999), Food borne diseases are diseases resulting from ingestion of bacteria,
toxins and cells produced by micro organisms present in food. Food borne illnesses is a major international
health problem with consequent economic reduction (Duff et al., 2003). Outbreaks of food borne diseases are
caused by foods that are contaminated intrinsically or that become contaminated during harvesting, processing
or preparation (Torok et al., 1997). In most countries, the most common food borne illness is Staphylococcus
food intoxication (Talaro et al., 1996). Staphylococcus aureus is a gram positive coccus, resistant to heat, drying
and radiation. Its strains can be pathogenic and relatively non pathogenic. They produce some enzymes which
are implicated with Staphylococcal invasiveness and mainly extracellular substances some of which are heat
stable enterotoxins that render the foods dangerous even though it appears normal ( Prescott et al., 2005). Once
the bacteria have produced toxin, the food can be extensively and properly cooked, killing the bacteria without
destroying the toxin. This is why there is need to screen ready to eat foods such as chicken pie for toxin
produced by Staphylococcus species.
1.2 Problem Statement
In Nigeria, a number of foods have been reported to have high incidence of bacteria (Adesiyun, 1995; Okonko et
al., 2009). But there is limited information on the health challenges from food borne diseases from chicken pie
retailed within a highly populous community. Hence there is need to do screen for toxin production production
of Staphylococcus species.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The major objective of the study is the screening for toxin production of Staphylococcus species isolated from
chicken pie sold in some restaurants in Ile Ife.
1.4 Research Questions
(1) what are ready to eat foods?
(2) what are Staphylococcus species?
(3) what are their contamination routes?
(4) How can they be isolated?
(5) why do we need to screen ready to eat food such as chicken pie for toxin produced by Staphylococcus
species ?
1.5 Significance of the study
The purpose of this research is to screen chicken pie sold in some restaurants in ILe Ife for toxins produced by
Staphylococcus species and highlight the health implications of consuming such contaminated ready to eat food
(chicken pie).
1.6 Scope of the study
The research focuses on the screening for toxin production of staphylococcus species isolated from chicken pie
sold in some restaurants in Ile ife.
1.7 Limitations of the study.
The samples were collected from selected restaurants in Ile ife.
Adesiyun AA (1995). Bacteriologic quality of some Trinidadian ready to eat foods and drinks and possible
health risks to consumers protein.58(3): 651- 655.
Caserani V, Kinston dR, (1974). Practical Crookery, 4th edition Edward Arnold Publishers London Pp. 1-10.
Doyle MP, Evans PD (1999). Food borne pathogens of recent concern. Ann. Revised Nutrient. 6: 25-41.
Duff SB, Scott EA, Mastilios MS, Todd EC, Krilov LRG, Eddes AM, Acknerman SJ (2003). Cost effectiveness
of a target disinfection program in household kitchens to prevent food borne illnesses in the United stars, Canada
and the United kingdom. J. Food protect. bb(11) pp 2103-2105.
Prescott M, Harley P, Klan DA (2005). Microbiology 6th Edition McGraw Hill New York Publisher U.S.A
Talarok, Talaro, A (1996). Foundations in Microbiology 2nd Edition McGraw Hill Publishers USA pp. 840-841.
Torok TJ, Tauze RV, Wise RP, Livengood JR, Sokolow R, Manvons S (1997). A large community outbreak of
Salmonellosis caused by International contamination of a restaurant salad J. Am. Med. Assoc. 278(8): 389-395.
Tsang D (2002). Microbiological guidelines for ready to eat food. Road and Environmental Hygiene department
Hongkong pp. 115-116.