1.1 Background to the study
Human rights are those rights which are inherent in
our nature and without which we can not live as human beings and without which
no society is viable and able to survive. Since the United Nations made a
declaration of human rights, on 10th December 1948, it has been receiving global attention. Almost every
nation of the world, including Nigeria have it in their constitution. Human
rights and fundamental freedom allow as to fully develop our human qualities,
intelligence, talents and conscience and to satisfy our spiritual and social
needs. They are based on mankind‟s increasing demand for a life in which the
inherent dignity and worth of each human being receives equal respect and
protection. Parajuli (2010), Deprivation of human rights and human rights
abuses are the major causes of conflict in our society. When people discover
that their fundamental human rights are violated, they either engage in
violence or crime to pursue their rights at any cost. Inorder to respect
people‟s right, Christian Religious Education has the potential to provide
opportunities for both males and females to develop the skills, knowledge,
values and attitudes necessary for survival in society. Religious education in
the Christian sense includes all efforts and processes which help to bring
children and adults into a vital and saving experience of God revealed in
Christ Jesus. Christian religious education as a problem solving discipline is
always interested in finding out the causes of violations and infringements on
people‟s right (Quaarcoopome 2008). The social, moral and spiritual qualities
could be learnt in Christian Religious Education. Man is a physical, mental,
social, emotional and spiritual being. Any educational system which neglects
the spiritual part is unbalance. (Musongole,, 2010). The contents of Christian
Religious Education is based on the teachings
contained in the Holy Bible which included the importing of knowledge
about the existence of God, the creation stories, the salvation of God‟s
people, imminent condemnation of the disobedient to the commandments of God,
and his love and concern for the oppressed, the poor, orphans and widows.
Through Christian education, education, young and adult have the potential to
learn skills such as exploration of religious, human experience, and one‟s
personal search
through observing, investigating, questioning, researching,, enquiring, listening and synthesizing. This makes Christian religious education unique and able to address issues on human rights.