Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgment iv
Table of Contents v
List of tables vi
Abstract vii
Introduction 1
Statement of the Problem 19
Purpose of Study 20
Operational Definition of Terms 21
Literature Review 22
Theoretical Literature 22
Self- Determination Theory 22
Self-Efficacy Theory 24
Self- Worth Theory 27
Attribution Theory 29
Value Expectancy Theory 30
Achievement Goal Orientation Theory 32
Empirical Review 34
Parental education and Academic engagement 34
Self-efficacy and Academic engagement 37
Achievement motivation and Academic engagement 39
Summary of Literatures 42
Hypotheses 43
Participants 44
Instrument 45
Procedure 48
Design and Statistics 49
Result 50
Summary of findings 55
Discussion 57
Implication of the Study 60
Limitation of the Study, and 62
Suggestion for Future Research 63
Summary and Conclusion 64
References 66
TABLE 1 – Shows Mean Scores and Standard
Deviations of the various groups in academic engagement.
TABLE 11 – Shows ANOVA
Summary table of Parental Education X Self – Efficacy X Achievement Motivation in
Academic Engagement.
FIGURE 1 – Shows
estimated marginal means of Academic Engagement.
investigated role of parental education, self-efficacy and achievement motivation
in academic engagement among three hundred and fifty-six (356) university of
Nigeria, Nsukka undergraduates, (male and female). Three instruments including
demographic data were used in the study: The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-
Students version (UWES- S), the New General Self-Efficacy Scale (NGSE) and the
Nigerian Adaptation of Herman’s (1970) Questionnaire Measure of Achievement
Motivation. The result of the Analysis of variance (ANOVA) did not support the
first and second hypotheses which state that parental education and self-efficacy
would not play significant role in academic engagement. Thus, the findings
suggested that parental education and self-efficacy are implicated in academic
engagement of Nigerian undergraduates. The result supported the third hypothesis
indicating that achievement motivation would not play a significant role in
academic engagement. The implications of the study were highlighted and
suggestions for future research made.
Students’ engagement in academics has been importantly recognized by educators, and it has been observed that too many students are bored, unmotivated, and uninvolved, that is, disengaged from the academic and social aspects of school life. Over 20 years ago, some researchers remarked that irrespective of the mandatory attendance in the United States high school, engagement could not still be legislated (Mosher & McGowan, 1985); and that laws may regulate the structure of the educational system, but student perspectives and experiences substantially influence academic and social outcomes. When you say that a person is engaged in something, it means that an extra effort is involved and it can occur in any aspect of life. However, previous studies on academic engagement explained two significant aspects; the indicators (inside the construct) and the facilitators or causal factors (Skinner, Furrer, Marchand & Kindermann, 2008); but from all indications, student engagement changes with additional years in school.
Audas and Willms (2001) defined academic
engagement as the extent to which students participate in academic and non
academic activities; identify with and value the goals of schooling. Academic
engagement is also defined as energy in action, the connection between person
and activity; which consists of three forms: Behavioural, emotional, and
cognitive (Russell, Ainley & Frydenberg, 2005). Engagement is a
multi-faceted construct that encompasses students’ sense of belonging and
connectedness to their school, teachers and peers, sense of agency, self
efficacy and orientation to achieve within their classrooms and in their
broader extra-curricular endeavours; their involvement, effort, levels of
concentration and interest in subjects and learning in general; and the extent
to which learning is enjoyed or seen as something that must be endured to
receive a reward or avoid sanction.
Connell and
Wellborn (1991) posit that when psychological needs such as (autonomy,
belonging, competence) are met within cultural enterprises like school, family
and work, engagement occurs and is being exhibited in affect, cognition and
behaviour to prevent disaffection from occurring. Engagement is also defined by Skinner and
Belmont (1993) as sustained behavioural involvement in learning activities
accompanied by positive emotional tone. It is the initiation of action, effort
and persistence with schoolwork and ambient emotional states during learning
activities (Skinner, Wellborn & Connell, 1990). Furthermore, engagement is a variable state of
being that is influenced by a range of internal and external factors including
the perceived value or relevance of the learning and the presence of
opportunities for students to experience appropriately-pitched challenge and
success in their learning. Engagement
can occur in various aspects of life endeavours but our major concern in this
study is to understand engagement in the academic aspect of the students’ life.
Academic engagement is the extent to which students are motivated to learn and do well in school (Libby, 2004). It is also a psychological process involving the attention, interest, investment, and effort expended by students in the work of learning (Marks, 2000). Newmann, Wehlage and Lamborn (1992) noted that student engagement in academic work is the student’s psychological investment in an effort directed toward learning, understanding or mastering the knowledge, skills or crafts that academic work is intended to promote. They try hard to learn what school offers and take pride not simply in earning the formal indicators of success (grades) but in understanding the materials and incorporating or internalizing it in their lives. Learning tasks that engage students have particular characteristics; they are authentic and relevant for students; require and instill deep, critical thinking in them; have intellectual rigour and immerse the student in disciplinary inquiry; require students to interact and be meaningfully involved.