1.1 Background to the Study
Issue of academic
job efficiency among academic staff especially academic staff in colleges of
education northwest, Nigeria is of much concern. This is because of the demand
placed on them of producing Nigerian
Certificate in Education (NCE) graduates who will meet the demand of labour market in terms
of competent and qualitative teachers at this age of globalization in
education. This task cannot be achieved successful without been efficient and
effective in their duties. Job efficiency of academic staff has to do with
finishing academic tasks given within a short possible time. Academic are also
expected to contribute to knowledge through research and publication journals
paper et cetera. All these academic responsibilities cannot be successfully
achieved without been efficient. Stress is a limiting factor for academic
inefficiency in the academic environment. Academic stress comes as a result of
work overload. Work overload refers to the concentration of assignments at work
which result to stress that negatively affect the performance and efficiency of
employee. Stress is an
emotional feeling that makes persons feels uncomfortable and unhappy with
situation he or she has to overcome. Job efficiency on the
hand is the capability or level at which an individual or an employee carry out
a given task or work effectively at a given time. In other word, it is the
quality of an employee being resourceful or able to perform a given tasks
and/or career job efficiently at least expected time. Therefore, for an
academic staff to says he or she is efficient in academic work, he or she
should be able to cover the course outline at the stipulated time, mark and
return students scripts of either continuous assessment test or
assignment on time et cetera. In addition, he or she should be conducting research work, attending academic conferences and be publishing in academic journals. This corroborate with the findings by Carlson and Gadio, (2000) who said Colleges of Education/University lecturers have various tasks to accomplish and these range from teaching, research and publications, marking of tests and examinations, supervising students‟ research activities, supporting students through advisory roles, attending conferences, providing community services and alike. For academic staff to be effective, efficient, competent and productive in their lecturing job, academic job efficiency indices should be at optimum level because too much of it cause stress. The level at which a job is carried out will determine the level at which an organization will improve; that is, the types of behaviour of an employee toward his job performance influences the effectiveness or otherwise of an organization. Performance behaviour is the behaviour of an employee that is involved directly for producing goods and services, or an activity that gives support indirectly for the organizations core technical process.