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It was Ducker (2010) who stated that the principle objectives of any organization is survival and from this all other objective flow. Thus, if a profit is needed for survival profits is the objective, if survival depends on growth, their growth becomes an objective etc. In pursuit of this survival there exist certain differences between the ends and means of the organization on one hand, and the goals and values of the individual employees on the other. These differences sometimes generate tension, which tends to focuses on the nebulous concepts of control. That means that the control human element in the enterprise. Controlling of human performances is safety focused upon three separately identified functions. Selection, supervision and incentives. Against this background, it is part of the personnel manager’s concern to secure the labour force which the enterprises / organization required to meet its objectives. Different method been established to help make this more reliable. Once secured, there remains the need to cannot (supervision and incentive) in order to hold the selected employees to the appropriate causes of action indicated by those objectives supervision and incentive depends on their efficacy and fairness, on the ability of the organization to measures the performance of employees against some notional nouns of performance, which are derived from the set objectives.