

This project is a study of Nigeria financial system the prime mover of economic activities a case study of Nigerian bank for commerce and industries. This research shows hoe financial system have been of a great help to our economic system especially entrepreneurs. During the course of the research it was seen that the financial system have helped a lot in the development of our communities and also been of a great help to both agriculture list sole proprietor etc. During the research period, I used many methods e.g collection of data, questionnaires, observations and secondary data.




Every economy is made up of a nultitude of economic units and agents. Here are individuals, households, different forms, firms and the central authority. To carry on with its economic activities, it needs funds. These  units engaged in production., distribution or consumption may require from other agents the service of their facilities of goods and services.

Specialization and minute elivison of labour in modern economy have led to firms specializing in different ways. Some of these firms deals with physical goods and services where as other specialize in money and credit. The later deal wholly and exclusively in financial assets in liabilities. It is the specialization that provides the link between different lowers of the financial sectors and between different hers of economy.

In an economy, financial institution perform a wide set of functions. There are monetary and non monetary financial institutions. The former ensures that there is an adequate stock of money to service the needs of the economy. Some of the type of financial institutions are the central bank and commercial banks. These institutions can increase or decrease the stock of money through their actions. But they later facilitate the transfer of money between economic units. These action of both institutions affect the level of employment. Income and prices (that is economic activities) which shows that financial system is the price mover of economic activities.


This study/research entitles the Nigerian financial system as the prime mover of economic activities attempts to determine the Nigerian financial system as the prime mover of economic activities as compared to others and to determine the best credit financing for small scale enterprises. This is with a view to determine the actual achievement of the bank as a financial house in terms of seize of loan, profitability of credit etc. The question here then is whether it can be safety said that small scale enterprises have benefits appreciably from finance houses (Bank) in terms of capital provision.

Generally the major problems of small and medium scale industries consist of finance organization. A comparison of banks performance with other sources open to small scale industries will be undertaken in this research  in order to find out which of these sources of credit are most useful and important to small scale enterprises. Another problems is lack of time, since this study is just out of many course offered by the researcher, she was not able to carry out intensive research on this study in question because her time is limited. She also lack the fund to run up and down to find suitable materials for this research.


In view of the problem of some industrialist the objective of these study is to evaluate the role of financial houses in financing economic activities for economic activity to be moving money must be made available to the economic units. The specific objective are:

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