
Locality And Gender As Predictors Of Attribution Of Success



This study was intended to examine the locality and gender as predictors of attribution of success. This study was guided by the following objectives; to determine whether locality significantly predict attribution of success among undergraduates and to determine whether gender will significantly predict attribution of success among University undergraduates. The study employed the descriptive and explanatory design; questionnaires in addition to library research were applied in order to collect data. Primary and secondary data sources were used and data was analyzed using the chi square statistical tool at 5% level of significance which was presented in frequency tables and percentage. The respondents under the study were 100 students of university of Abuja. The study findings revealed that locality is a predictor of success among undergraduates; based on the findings from the study, it was recommended that students should be informed that better understanding of the nature and impact of attribution to success and failure may enhance students’ motivation and encourage them to be aware of their capability in controlling their performance.




Background to the study

We have spent a great deal analyzing and discussing why people act the way they do, especially when something unexpected happens. Is her warmth, an expression of romantic interest in me or is it how she relates to everyone? Is his absence, the result of laziness or of an oppressive atmosphere? Heider, (1958) proposed attribution theory as the way to analyze how we answer such questions. Herder concludes that people tends to attribute other’s behaviour either to their dispositions (internal causes, such as their personality) or to their situation (external causes, such as their environment) thus a teacher may wonder whether a child’s hostile behaviour is an inevitable reflection of his aggressive personality (a “dispositional attribution”). In making such inferences, we frequently overestimate the influence of people’s disposition and underestimate the impact of their situations a phenomenon known as attribution error. In addition supposed you over-heard an acquaintance of yours, discussing a poor grade he got in an examination. Suppose he claimed that he didn’t do well because of bad luck, a noisy room, ill health and poor reading room. Thirty seven counselor education graduates were asked to assign validity rating to seven possible explanations of what determine behaviour. The students assigned high validity ratings to an “interaction” explanation of behaviour. Further, they attributed the behaviour of others to internal causes (Donnan & Pipes, 1985). Also in a study to investigate developmental trends in children’s attributions for success and failure in achievement and social situations. Specifically, more internal-stable causes were generated for social situations and for success outcomes, while more internal-unstable reasons were generated for achievement situations and for failure outcomes. No significant sex differences were evident for any variable (Rich and Hyatt, 1981). However, Rogers (1991) explored the causes cited by British Primary School students for instance of relative success and failure in class work in free-response setting. The finding revealed that;

(1) Overall, the children were most likely to explain success and failure in terms of performance ability,

Specific competence ability effort and interest behaviour and speed.

 (2) No child explained success or failure in terms of change:

(3) As children get older they were less likely to answer “don’t know any response“or to attribute success and failure to performance ability;

(4) Gender had no effect on attribution;

 (5) The response category “effort and interest” was used more frequently to account for performance variations in mathematics, while “voluntary time spent” was used to account for variation in reading;

(6) Reposes related to “behaviour” were more likely to explain failure than success. Based on the above observations it becomes pertinent to question whether age and gender as independent factors can serve as predictions of attribution of success among Caritas University undergraduates.

Purpose of the study

This research was aimed at finding out the following.

To determine whether locality will significantly predict attribution of success among undergraduates.

Also to determine whether gender will significantly predict attribution of success among University undergraduates.

Statement of the problem.

Answers to the following problems are sought by the researcher in this study.

 Will locality significantly predict attribution of success?

Will gender significantly predict attribution of?

Operational Definition of terms         

Attribution: The assignment of causes to behaviour or the perception or inference of the behaviour of the causes  of behavior, such causes including personal dispositional factors and external or situation factors.

Locality:  Whether you stay in the town or village.

Gender: it is grammatical grouping of woods into classes. Kit is also groupings into masculine, feminine and neuter.

Predict:  It is way of saying or telling something in advance. This also means to foretell the future.

Success: It means having good fortune or prosperity.

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