The purpose of this survey research is to explore the leadership patterns of public primary school headmaster in Edo State as perceived by headmasters. The subjects of this study include 20 public primary school headmasters and 100 public primary school teachers. The questionnaires has two parallel forms, one for the headmasters to rate themselves and other in which teachers can rate the headmasters. According to section (1) and section (2) the headmasters rated themselves the highest on the human resources frame in addition to this the majority of the headmasters consider themselves as being effective leaders and managers. As to teacher rating of the headmasters were rated the highest on the human resources frame in section 1 and section 2. moreover the majority of the teachers think that the headmasters that they work with are effective managers and leaders.
For many years now, researchers in the area of educational leadership have attempted to identify links between educational leadership and school effectiveness research. This phenomenon is mainly due to the perception that educational leaders, especially school headmasters, affect school effectiveness (Levin $ Lezotte 1990; Reynolds $ Cuttance. 1992; Cheng 1994; Pashiardis, 2004). However two main issues have arisen; firstly what position or roles do leader have in a school organization? Secondly under what condition does school leadership affect student’s achievement and to what existent? In relation to the first issue, it is interesting that the vast majority of researchers have been involved mainly in studies of principals leaders patterns. However recent research has also been concerned with the leadership of person who have other roles in a school organization such as teachers (Harris$ Muijs, 2003, Pashiardis, 2004). As a consequence, it is necessary to investigate the parameters of many individuals leadership pattern in order to give a more complete overview of school leadership.
The second issue is more complex due to contradictory finding concerning effects of leadership on student’s achievement some studies found no influence where as others identified some effect (Heck 1992; Johnson 1993) The meta analysis conducted by hallanger $ Heck (1996; 1998) and Witxiers, Bosker $ kruger (2003) emphasized at least two important element that differentiate the result among many studies firstly the different educational systems and cultures among the various countries lead to different result (also in pashisrdis, thedy, papanaoum,$ Johansson, 2003). Secondly the absence of intermediate variables between principal or headmaster leadership and students achievement tens to find no link between them (also in Teddlie $ Renolds 2000).