The Enugu State Broadcasting Service (ESBS Radio I) Enugu like many other electronic media establishment in Nigeria has been carrying out its communicating functions of informing, educating, entertaining, persuading and public enlightenments and advertisements and other social programmes using the social scientific methods of questionnaire survey and depth interview methods in the project work, the work is handled in five chapters.
Chapter one introduced the electronic media and the guide on the handling of the topic and significance/rationale of the study. The chapter two continued with reviewing literature which ex-rayed the summary of related literature reviewed. Chapter three explained the research methodology used to study the topic. The research methods include the questionnaire and survey method and interview while in chapter four data presentation and results summary of results findings are made relevant to research questions. Chapter five finally handled the discussion, implications, recommendations discussion of results and conclusions.
Finally, it was found out that ESBS radio I, not only have an impact in the economic development of Nigeria as electronic media but went a step further to train other professionals.