1.1 Background to the Study
Teaching is made up of several
components of different dimensions such as the teacher, the students, the
curriculum, the teaching method and instructional materials. Therefore, teacher
qualities are the different components involved in the teaching and learning of
social studies; importance of learning social studies.
With the above definition
therefore, this study intends to investigate the impact of teacher qualities on
the academic performance of junior secondary school students in Social Studies
using two instruments: the teachers‟ questionnaire and a paper and pencil test
for the students.
The major development associated
with the National Policy on Education NPE (2008) is the pride of place it has
given to Social Studies. The policy regards this subject as a compulsory core
subject area which all students at Junior Secondary Schools cannot dispense
with in their learning activities. Very importantly the policy endorsed that,
the teaching of Social Studies in our Junior Secondary Schools must be seen as
one of those avenues of establishing strong basis for the production of
effective citizens and of foregoing a cohesive society that will support the
notion of the nation building.
The above statement implies not
only a perception of the Social Studies education in terms of understanding on
human relationship, but also in terms of its aims at producing citizens with
skills, competencies, moral values and reasoned judgment to effectively live,
interact, interrelate and contribute positively to
the economic, social and political development of Nigerian Society.
According to Okobiah (1999) to
achieve these objectives in Social Studies education, the teachers involved in
this task must implore qualified, well experienced and well attended workshop,
seminars and conferences organized for social studies teachers. However for the
current practice in Social Studies education to be vital and valid within
classroom context, it must be made operational by the teacher through
qualification and teaching experience, aims and objectives, curriculum context,
methodology, instructional materials, resources and evaluation
For the diversified curriculum structures of social studies to be delivered by the professional teachers successfully, Social studies as a discipline must integrate the divergent and contemporary issues in Nigerian school curriculum. However it is generally accepted fact that Social Studies education stresses societal goals with man and his socio-economic and political environment as the focal point. Social Studies is an integrated discipline aimed at solving the complex and diversified problems of man in totality.