The research project deals with the business of investigating the impact of effective marketing communication on manufacturing company, using Nothern Bag manufacturing company as a case study. The objective of the research work among others were to know the role of marketing communication on the advertising media selection, sales promotion campaign influence the volume of bags produced by Nothern Bags manufacturing company. The researcher was able to address some problems such as problems or constrains encounters during the course of carrying out marketing communication by the company under study. The research questions that were created influence, does marketing communication help in achievement of increase in sales volume of bags, and does marketing communication contribute in increasing the potential customers and retaining the actual customers etc. the researcher used a population of 70 which comprised all the sta in the marketing department Nothern bags manufacturing company with a sample size of 50 the methodology adopted was the use of primary and secondary data collection method. the researcher used percentage in analyzing the respondents profile and chi-square (x2) scientific method for testing of hypothesis finally the work came up with finding such as “there is a relationship between marketing communication and increase on the sales volume of bag and recommendation were made and among the were that the works of the company should cultivate the habit of speaking good word of mouth (WOM) about the product of the company.
One of the element of marketing strategy is promotion included also are price, product, and place. If the target public are not adequately communicated or not good knowledge about product/service, the marketing strategy exercise will fail organization firms need to use promotion to convey or create awareness about their product to the target audience. However promotion is a popular variable through which an organization/ firm conveys or send message about their company and product or services such as consumers, suppliers, dealers etc. Marketing promotion is the main goal of marketing communication, which helps to project a positive image for an organization and its product before its relevant publics to facilitate acceptance and patronage. Kernal et al (1968) observed that communication creates commonness in relationship between the organization and the largest publics to the extent that they both share information idea, thought or attitude. Ordinarily communication is intended to build store traic purchase and increase usage and stock level, brand switching and stock piling. The word communication is derived from the Latin word “communis” which means “common”. Therefore communication could be seen as the process of establishing a commonality or oneness of thought between a sender and a receiver. The above definition highlights two important ideas. One communication is a process and as such has elements and inter relationship, can be modeled and examined in a structure manner.
Secondary, oneness of thought must be developed between the sender and receiver if true communication is to occur which imply that a sharing relationship must exist between the sender and receiver. It is a common mistake to view the sender as the active member in the relationship and the receiver as passive. For instance a person (the sender) speaking to a day dreaming friend (the intended receiver). It must appear that communication no thought is being shared thus there is no communication between them. Lack of communication in this instance is the passivity of the intended receiver called one of the intended receiver Although sound waves are bouncing against his/ her eardrums, he/ she is not actively receiving and sharing thought. A human receiver can be likened to a television set, a television set is continuously bombarded by television (electro magnet) waves from several situation. However. it will receive only the station to which the channel selector are timed. Human receiver like wise are bombarded with stimuli from many vision, a person selects one source tune to act. Engel et al (1983) defined promotion as controlled integrated programmed of communication methods and material designed to present a company and its products to prospective customers, to communicate need satisfying attributes of the product to facilitate sales volume and thus contribute to long run profile able performance.