

Title page                                                                                                                    i

Certification                                                                                                                ii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iii

Acknowledgments                                                                                                      iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                       v

List of Tables                                                                                                              vi

Abstract                                                                                                                      vii

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION                                                                    1

Statement of the Problem                                                                              14

Purpose of the Study                                                                                   15

Operational Definition of Terms                                                                  16

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                      18

Theoretical Review                                                                                    18

Prospect Theory                                                                                                         18

Social Cognitive Theory                                                                                            20

Dynamic Decision-making Theory (DDM)                                                    22

Instance-Based Learning Theory (IBLT)                                                         24

Empirical Review                                                                                    26

Effects of framing on decision making                                                          26

Certainty Effects on Decision Making                                                        30

Gender differences on decision making                                             33

Moderating role of risk perception on framing, certainty and gender effects on decision making                                                                        35

Summary of Literature Review                                                             39

Hypotheses                                                                                                                 40

CHAPTER THREE: METHOD                                                                             41

Participants                                                                                                                 41

Instruments                                                                                               41

Procedure                                                                                                                    44

Design/Statistics                                                                                                         47

CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS                                                                               48

Summary of Findings                                                                           51

CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION                                                                          52

Implications of the Study                                                                                58

Limitations of the Study                                                                           61

Suggestions for Further Studies                                                                 61

Summary and Conclusion                                                                          61

REFERENCES                                                                                                        63

APPENDICES                                                                                                          71


Table 1:          Descriptive statistics table showing mean and standard deviation of security strategy decision scores based on framing, certainty and gender.                                                                                         48

Table 2:          ANOVA results for effects of framing, certainty and gender on security strategy decision.                                                                   49

Table 3:          Moderation table of risk perception for framing, certainty and gender on security strategy decision                                                   50


This study used a 2x2x2 factorial design to examine framing, certainty and gender effects on security strategy decision. One hundred and twenty (60 male, 60 female) first year students of psychology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, whose ages ranged from 16-29 years (M = 20.35 years, SD =2.85 years) participated in the study. Framing was varied into positive and negative framing conditions certainty was varied into certainty and uncertainty conditions, while gender was categorized into male and female. The domain specific risk taking scale for the adult population, tackling insecurity in Nigeria, and the security strategy decision inventory were the study materials used to measure risk perception, manipulate framing and certainty, and assess security strategy decision respectively. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) result revealed significant main effects of framing and certainty on security strategy decision, F(1, 112) = 97.80, p < .001 and F(1, 112) = 169.95, p < .001 respectively. Gender, however, had no significant effect on security strategy decision. Moderated regression analysis showed that risk perception significantly moderated the relationship between certainty and security strategy decision (β =.36, t = 3.78, p < .001). The interaction effect between framing and gender was significant, F (1, 112) = 7.58, p < .01. The implications and limitations of these findings were discussed and suggestions were made for future studies.



Every day, people are inundated with numerous decision scenarios, big, small and even those that could not be easily classified (Dietrich, 2010). Decision making reflects the process of arriving at a conclusion after much consideration has been made about which action to take and the ones to avoid, as well as the possible outcome of such actions (Ibeanu & Momoh, 1998). It is the process by which an individual selects from available options or alternatives after due or partial considerations (Coleman, 2003). According to Stanovich and West (2008), decision making is the act of choosing between or from two or more causes of action. People choose action or form opinions via mental processes which are influenced by their psychological, environmental and/or economical states at the time, and the perceived available cognitive and mental resources. Thus, individuals and/or groups always strive to make choices that could result in their physical or psychological well-being either on the immediate or long- term (Acevedo & Krueger, 2004).

The psychological and mental state of a decision maker is predominantly a function of the relative calm, peace, ease, security and/or insecurity available, and his or her perception of such safety and security. Security relates to the available peace, calm, and lack or absence of threats to the life of the citizens of a state (Adebakin, 2012; Bilings & Lisa, 1988; Daniels, 1999). Security implies the avoidance of harm or discomfort, provision of physical and psychological safety, freedom from fear and protection from physical, emotional and psychological injuries, and it has been shown to be the second most important need of humans after food, air and shelter (Maslow, 1970), and ranks as a major concern of individuals either in their domestic, workplace or religious domains.

The psychobiology of security (just as in other emotional reactions) shows that environmental stimuli are interpreted by the amygdale (the emotional brain) as friendly or threat to an individual’s psychological resources, and an interpretation of a stimulus as threat results in feeling of insecurity that manifests in muscle tension, increased heartbeat, dryness of the throat and mouth, sweating, irritability, trembling, frequent urination, hyper-sensitivity and alertness to loud or strange sounds, and restlessness. These reactions are nearly universal because they are caused by the activation of the autonomous nervous system which is the neural circuit that links the internal organs (heart, liver, kidney etc) with the brain (amygdale) (Nwanegbo & Odigbo, 2015).

Researchers (Ogbonnaya & Ehigiamusoe, 2012; Jou, Shanteau, & Harris, 1996) maintained that security or relative absence of threats to human life and properties has a significant impact on people’s ability to concentrate on a given task while insecurity results in role confusion, poor concentration, increased negative emotional reaction and work accidents. The authors documented the psychological implications of insecurity to include fear, anxiety, apprehension, poor concentration, poor judgment/reasoning, restlessness, among others. Conversely, increased work output, precision in judgment, adequate concentration, calm and psychological and physical well-being have been documented as a function of security or perceived safety of lives and property.

In a bid to provide adequate security to its citizens and staff members, different states/governments, organizations and firms adopt several long-term security strategies such as the alleviation of poverty, creation of jobs/employment, proper orientation and reduction of illiteracy which have been identified as risk factors of insecurity (Adetoro, 2012). Also, immediate short-term security strategies aimed at either maintaining an existing security situation or at curbing those activities that lead to insecurity and loss of life, such as insurgency, kidnapping, armed robbery, militancy as the case seems to appear in Nigeria are also adopted.

In most cases, weapon scanners, detectors and other security gadgets have been procured and used as short term security strategies at airports, seaports, land borders, government and private institutions, offices, banks, hotels, parks and checkpoints by both trained and untrained personnel. Individuals have gone ahead to provide their own personal security at home and offices, and this have led to the increase in private security firms, and most unfortunately, to the proliferation of illegal arms and weapons in the Nigerian society (Olaniyan, 2015; Amnesty International, AI, 2014; United Nations Security Council, UNSC, 2012). However, all these efforts by different persons and organizations at providing adequate security for themselves, their groups or citizens, underscore the importance of security for humans to function at their optimal capacity, as well as safeguarding lives and properties. The decisions to adopt any of the afore-mentioned security strategies (often referred to as security strategy decision) is crucial owing to the scarcity of resources needed to meet human needs (World Health Organization (WHO), 2001), and people must make adequate plans to ensure proper utilization of resources in order to avoid waste. Adebakin, (2012), defined security strategy decision as the choice or choosing between the alternatives/options of using scanners, detectors or devices to search for illegal arms and ammunitions in the hands of unauthorized individuals and persons, by the state/security agencies, or to embark on massive provision of jobs for the youths to distract them from engaging in activities that undermine state security. It also refers to the different tactics adopted by the state security agencies such as the Army, Navy, Police and the Department for Security Services (DSS) to maintain adequate peace and secure lives and properties of the citizens of Nigeria. The current study is anchored on the definition of security strategy decision as the choice to use scanners and detectors at the various borders and checkpoints to checkmate the movement of illegal arms/weapons across Nigeria.