Title page————————————————————————- i
Certification————————————————————— ii
Acknowledgement————————————————————– iii
Table of contents—————————————————————- iv
1.1Background of the Study—————————————————— 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem—————————————————– 5
1.3 Objective of the Study——————————————————— 5
1.4 Justification of the Study—————————————————– 6
2.1 Anatomy of the reproductive
system of the Tom————————— 8
2.2 Spermatogenesis in Toms———————————————— —- 9
2.3 Factors that affect Semen
Production———————————– —- 12
2.3.1 Ambient Temperature——————————————————- 13
2.3.2 Photoperiod or daylight length—————————————- —- 13
2.3.3 Nutrition———————————————————————- 15
2.3.4 Age—————————————————————————- 15
2.3.5 Breed/Species Variation—————————————————- 16
2.4 Semen Collection Techniques———————————————— 16
2.4.1 Handling male turkeys for collection of
Quality Semen—————- 16
2.5 Frequency of Semen Collection in Turkeys——————————— 18
2.5.1 Factors Affecting
post-ejaculation Semen Quality———– —- 20
2.5.2 Ambient temperature————————————————— —- 20
2.5.3 Semen Osmotic Pressure———————————————– —- 21
2.5.4 Semen PH——————————————————————— 21
2.5.5 Concentration of sperm in
ejaculate————————————— 21
2.5.7 Gases————————————————————————– 22
2.5.8 Bacterial Contaminants —————————————————– 22
2.6. Semen Quality Evaluation—————————————————- 22
2.6.1 Semen Colour—————————————————————- 24
2.6.2 Semen Volumes————————————————————– 25
2.6.3 Motility ———————————————————————– 27
2.6.4 Sperm Concentration——————————————————– 33
2.6.5 Normal and Abnormal Sperm———————————————- 35
2.6.6 Live Dead Sperm ———————————————————— 36
2.7 Biochemical Parameters——————————————————- 36
2.8 Basic Anatomy and physiology of
the Hen’s Reproductive Tract— —- 38
2.8.1 Sperm Storage in Vivo—————————————————— 41
2.8.2 Behaviour of Sperm in the
Oviduct of the Hen————————— 41
2.9 Artificial Insemination in
Turkeys——————————————- 43
2.9.1 Artificial Insemination
Techniques in Turkeys————————– 45
2.9.2 Advantages of Artificial
Insemination ———————————— 46
2.9.3 Depths and Time of Insemination—————————————— 47
2.10 Fertility in Turkeys———————————————————– 48
2.10.1 Infertility in Turkeys——————————————————- 49
2.10.2 Factors that Affect Fertility
in Turkeys Hens————————— 49 Factors influencing infertility
in naturally mated hens————– 50 Infertility Syndrome —————————————————– 50 Age of the Hen———————————————————— 51 Mating Behaviour in Turkey
Hens ———————————— 51 Effects of Body Weight of
the Hen————————————- 53 Nutritional Causes of
Infertility ————————————— 53 Influence of Disease on
Fertility ————————————— 54
2.11.1 Infertility under Artificial
Insemination ——————————– 54
2.11.2 Stress ———————————————————————— 54
2.11.3 Oviductal Environment of the
Hen————————————— 55
2.11.4 Immunity against Sperm————————————————— 55
2.11.5 Semen Quality ————————————————————- 56
2.11.6 Number of sperm inseminated
into the oviduct ———————— 56
2.11.7 Time of Insemination —————————————————— 57
2.12.1 Infertility in Males ——————————————————— 58
2.12.2 Body weight of Toms —————————————————— 58
2.12.3 Age ————————————————————————- 59
2.12.4 Male Mating Behaviour ————————————————– 59
2.13 Hatchability in Turkeys—————————————————— 61
2.13.1 Influence of temperature on
Hatchability ——————————- 62
2.13.2 Relative Humidity ——————————————————— 63
2.13.3. Egg Shell Characteristics ————————————————- 63
2.13.4 Disease/Egg Contamination ———————————————- 64
2.13.5 Egg Storage —————————————————————– 64
2.13.6 Nutrition ——————————————————————– 65
2.13.7 Age of Hens —————————————————————- 65
2.13.8 Incubator setting and peculiar
egg characteristics ——————— 65
2.13.9 Genetic factors affecting
hatchability ———————————– 66
2.14 Candling and egg breakout ————————————————- 67
2.15 Systems of turkey management ——————————————– 68
2.15.1 Rearing systems in turkey
production ———————————– 69
2.15.2 Semi-intensive management
system ————————————- 69
2.15.1 Nutritional management under
semi-intensive system—————– 71
2.16 Intensive management system ———————————————- 72
2.16.1 Nutritional management of
turkey under intensive system———— 73
2.16.2 Vitamins and minerals
requirements of turkeys———————— 76
2.16.3 Minerals ——————————————————————– 77
3.1 Location of the Study———————————————————- 79
3.2 Plan of the Study————————————————————— 79
3.3 Duration of the Study———————————————————- 80
3.4 Procurement and management of
experimental animals —————— 81
3.5 Pre-experimental Period/training
of toms for semen collection ——— 83
3.6 Data collection: experiment I (Physical
examination of semen)——— 83
3.7 Semen quality parameters measured—————————————– 84
3.7.1 Volume———————————————————————— 84
3.7.2 Progressive motility ——————————————————— 84
3.7.3 Live, Normal and Abnormal
Spermatozoa ——————————- 85
3.7.4 Sperm concentration——————————————————– 85
3.8 Experiment 2: Artificial
insemination, fertility and hatchability
Trials—————————————————————————– 86
3.9 Egg collection, candling and
hatching————————————— 89
3.10. Statistical analysis ———————————————————- 90
CONCLUSION————————————– —- 114
Recommendation————————————————————– —- 116
——————————————————————— 117
Table 1: Effects
of age and photoperiod on weekly sperm output of
toms (+ SE).———————————————————- —- 14
Table 2:
Daily sperm output of turkeys subjected to various frequencies
of semen collection (+ SE)—————————————- —- 20
Table 3: Semen
volume of toms subjected to three frequencies of
semen collection.—————————————————— —- 26
Table 4 Semen
volume of tomes subjected to seven frequencies of
semen collections—————————————————– —- 26
Table 5:Description
of motility grades in farm animals/based
on scoring method —————————————————— —- 31
Table 6: Sperm
motility (%) of toms subjected to various frequencies of
semen collection——————————————————- —- 32
Table 7: Mean
percentage sperm motility of toms subjected to
various frequencies of semen collection ——————————– 32
Table 8: Sperm conc. of toms subjected to three
frequencies of
collection.—————————————————— —- 34
Table 9: Sperm concentration of toms subjected to
frequencies of semen collection (+ S E)————————– —- 34
Table 10:
Recommended nutrient allowance for poultry under tropical
climatic condition—————————————————– —- 73
Table 11: Semen
quality parameters of local turkeys under
intensive management system————————————— —- 75
Table 12: Semen parameters of turkeys fed with
different protein levels 76
Table 13: Distribution of Experimental Animals to
Treatments————– 81
Table 14: Nutrient Composition of the Breeder Diet per
100kg——— —- 82
Table 15: Lay out of experiment 1(semen evaluation) ——————- —- 83
Table 16:
Insemination of Turkey hens based on frequency of
Semen Collection and rearing methods————————— —- 87
Table 17: Polling of semen from
groups and pan for insemination
of hens————————————————————-
Table 18: Mean ±
SE of semen quality traits of toms ejaculated
at various frequencies under intensive and semi- intensive systems of management ——————————————————– —- 91
Table 19: Effect
of Interaction between Management Systems and
Ejaculation Frequencies on Semen Quality Parameters of Local
Turkeys————————- —————————– ——-
Table 20: Mean ± SE of fertility and hatchability of
local turkeys under
intensive and semi- intensive systems of management ———–
Table 21: Effect of Interaction between Management
Systems and
Ejaculation Frequency on Fertility and Hatchability Parameters
of Local Turkeys—————————————————- —-
Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of frequency of semen collection and management systems on semen quality, fertility and hatchability of local turkeys in the humid tropics. A total of 72 local Nigerian turkeys comprising 24 males and 48 females were used for the study at 36 weeks of age with average body weight of 9kg for the males and 4kg for the females. The males were randomly divided into two groups (1 and 2) with 12 males in each group. Group 1 males were intensively managed and fed 17% crude protein and 12.6 MJ/kg metabolizable energy breeder diet. Group 2 males were semi-intensively managed and subjected to free-range condition and given supplements. The males in both groups were subjected to four frequencies of semen collection (once, twice, three times and four times) weekly using abdominal massage technique. A total number of 286 ejaculates were collected and analyzed for volume, motility, sperm concentration, live sperm, normal sperm, abnormal sperm and total sperm in ejaculate. The forty eight hens were randomly divided into two groups (1 and 2) corresponding to the male groups, with 24 hens in both groups, 6 hens per each ejaculation frequency. The hens were sexually stimulated by ‘venting’ and inseminated with 0.25ml of semen weekly during late afternoon. A total number of 729 eggs were incubated and analyzed for fertility and hatchability. The results showed that ejaculation frequency had significant (P < 0.05) effect on all the semen quality parameters measured. Two times per week semen collection yielded the highest ejaculate volume, sperm motility and normal sperm in both management groups compared to other ejaculation frequencies in both intensive and semi-intensive management systems respectively. The semi-intensively managed toms had higher (P<0.05) mean values for motility, and live sperm. Sperm concentration values were similar among intensively and semi-intensively managed toms at all ejaculation frequencies. Abnormal sperm values were significantly (P< 0.05) highest in both groups under once per week ejaculation frequency and lowest in toms ejaculated twice per week. Increasing frequency of semen collection above twice per week decreased semen volume, sperm concentration and total sperm in ejaculate. Increasing frequency of semen collection increased progressive motility percentage live sperm and abnormal sperm. There was no significant interaction (P > 0.05) effect between management system and ejaculation frequency on all semen quality, parameters measured. Fertility and hatchability results indicated significant (P <0.05) effect of ejaculation frequency on all parameters measured. Percentage fertility ranged from 71.01 ± 2.65% to 92.18 ± 21.18. Out of a total number of 729 eggs incubated, 614 eggs were fertile. Percentage hatchability results obtained in this study ranged from 85.11 ± 4.20% to 100.00 ±0.00% in both management systems. There was no significant interaction (P > 0.05) between management systems and frequency of semen collection on fertility and hatchability of local turkey eggs. It was concluded that two times per week collection frequency was ideal for local toms used for AI programmes while toms to be used can perform well in the programme under both management systems.
1.1 Background of the Study
Food insecurity which is felt in most
developing nations including Nigeria
over the years has accentuated the already critical animal protein deficiency
among human populations. High cost of livestock and poultry has limited the
capacity of an average Nigerian to consume adequate quantity and quality of
animal protein (Hamzat et al., 2003).
Emeruwah (1999), and Ojewola, et al.
(2004) prescribed massive production of animals with short reproduction cycles
such as pigs, rabbits and poultry as the only remedy to the acute animal
protein shortage in Nigeria.
This however, has undoubtedly spurred research efforts in the direction of
these animals that offer the highest turn-over rate and the quickest return on
investment. Obviously, rabbit meat is not popular in Nigeria and its commercialization
is limited by unknown factors. Pigs on the other hand suffer religious
alienation. Thus, poultry has been the animal of choice (Sanni and Ogundipe,
2003). Although, production of local chicken is evident, large scale, medium
scale and the back-yard poultry production enterprises are gaining ground in Nigeria as producers
now mostly rear more productive exotic broiler and layer types of chicken which
have shown considerable levels of adaptation to the prevailing environmental
et al. (2003) noted that the exotic
chickens require expensive inputs as a result of which, it is becoming
increasingly difficult to sustain the poultry industry over the years under a
poor economy .The prevalent high exchange rate of the naira to foreign currency
needed for importation of parent stock and some feed ingredients not found
locally is not helping matters. Onyimonyi and Onukwufor (2003) opined that the
ban on importation of poultry meat and egg by Nigerian government may bring to
an end the era of egg glut and low market for locally produced poultry meat and
above all, encourage local production of chicken. Although, their assumptions
appear to be the case, poultry meat and egg are apparently becoming
ostentatious. The Smallholder Family Poultry Concept for Food Security and
Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria
has no doubt shown how other local poultry resources can improve rural
livelihood (Sonaiya, 2002b). Therefore, the emphasis on the need to consider
other poultry resources while combating animal protein shortage in Nigeria has
formed the backbone of this study.
Turkey farming is very popular in the
Western countries. The major producing countries are the United States of America, Germany, France,
Italy, Netherlands and the United Kingdom. In 2004, the
estimated world turkey meat production was 4.94 million tonnes (Central Poultry
Development Organization, 2008). However, Nigeria’s contribution to the above
statistic is not known. Commercial breeds and strains of turkeys such as Broad Breasted
Bronze, Broad Breasted White, White Nicholas 300, Big-6, Hybrid Large White and
a host of others have been developed by University Research Stations and
reputable commercial turkey breeding companies in the Western world. Strong preference
and elaborate research reports have been focused on these modern turkeys as a
result of which they have been highly bred for intensive production. There are however,
other types that thrive as scavengers under the extensive system of production
practiced in localities of developing countries. They roam about, feeding on
fresh grasses, insects, worms and snails. These genetically undeveloped,
self-reliant, heat tolerant and rugged types are the least studied of all
turkeys. Little effort has so far been directed at improving their productivity
under free-range condition (Abeke and Ubani, 2008). Research reports on them
are therefore scanty or non-existent (Zahraddeen, et al., 2005).
turkey production in Nigeria
is still rudimentary. The reason for this apparent low production seems to be
due to lack of appreciation of its potential role in meat production and
national economy or perhaps lack of understanding and knowledge of its
management and production requirements (Abeke and Ubani, 2008). In Nigeria, turkey
is a premium bird. Both local and exotic breeds are highly valued. Although
some level of commercial production is evident, small stock-holder producers dominate
the turkey industry. Commercial producers develop their flock structures with
prolific exotic “broiler” strain. Back-yard and medium scale farmers operate
with local types and exotic broiler strains in small flock units.
One of the major challenges facing
turkey production in Nigeria
and other developing countries is the low capability of the species to
reproduce by natural mating. Breeders who rely on natural mating procedures
often encounter poor results due to the clumsy nature of the toms as a
reproductive partner. Modern turkey hens throughout the world are bred by
artificial insemination. This is not because of the genetic merit to be gained,
but primarily because the size and conformation of the male in terms of the
extensive development of pectoral muscles arrived at during genetic selection
for weight gain, culminated in diminished libido and reduced ability to perform
during natural mating (Sexton, 1982; Burke, 1984). Burke (1984) further observed
that modern toms lack the coordination and dexterity to accomplish sufficient
mating to assure high fertility. Partial completion of the mating act even
without transfer of semen to the female results in variable periods of sexual
refractoriness during which time hens normally will not re -mate. The
development of artificial insemination technology over the past decades has resulted
in some significant advances in poultry breeding. The objective of artificial
insemination programme is however not just to produce fertile eggs but to
produce viable poults (Bakst, 1993). The US turkey industry relies on
artificial insemination for the production of 300 million turkeys annually.
Therefore, breeder fertility has been implicated to be of utmost importance to
the overall success of the turkey industry. This is based on the realization
that even the best incubators and hatchery management procedures cannot produce
chicks from infertile eggs (Keith, 2008). In Nigeria, breeder flock produces
high percentage of infertile eggs even with the recommended mating ratio of
1:16 adopted by farmer.
This study has therefore been
designed to determine the effects of ejaculation frequency and management
conditions on semen quality, fertility and hatchability of local turkey eggs in
a humid tropical environment.
1.2 Statement of the Problem