The paper presents an economic analysis of fluted pumpkin production (Telfaria occidentalis Hook F. Cucurbitaceae) production in Ukwuani local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. Primary data were obtained from questionnaire administered to 140 fluted pumpkin farmers drawn using systematic sampling techniques from the study area. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, marginal value productivity, multiple regression and a 5-point likert scale. Results showed that most of the respondents were females, illiterate and married. Farmers operated on subsistence level, about 95% practiced mixed cropping with farming experience not less than 5 years. An adjusted R2 value of 0.664 indicated that the independent variables; farm size, labour and quantity of seed in the model explained 66% of variations in the dependent variable (output). The F value of 60.09 showed the overall statistical significance with a P value of zero. Net return per hectare was $644.90. The benefit-cost ratio was $1 to $1.23 which implies that for every $1 invested, 23cents was obtained thus depicting that the enterprise was profitable in the study area. Resources under-utilized were quantity of seed and farm size while family and hired labour were over-utilized. Major constraints faced by farmers were; high cost of labour, lack of adequate and quality seeds, pests and disease attack, storage and transportation cost. It is recommended that effective agricultural extension services, credit and loan schemes and infrastructure should be provided to farmers in the study area for increased profitability, yield and resource-use efficiency of fluted pumpkin production.
1.1 Background of the study
Fluted pumpkin is a very important vegetable that is popular in West Africa. It belongs to the family Telfaria Occidentalis Hook F. cucurbitaceae. It is a leafy vegetable that produces fruits. (Enabulele and Uavbarhe, 2001). Tindall, (1989) defined leafy vegetables as herbaceous plants used for culinary purposes. They are used to increase the dietary quality of soups. The fruit on full maturity has a weight of 10kg. and an appearance of 10 distinctive longitudinal ribs on the surface. It is popular in West Africa. The edible part of this vegetable are the large red seeds, leaves and young shoots used for traditional soup. Protein rich seed can be roasted or grounded for use in porridge. The flesh of the fruit has good oil content which can be used as cooking oil. Although fluted pumpkin is a minor oil crop it possesses healing properties that have been found effective in boosting blood levels and also in maintaining bone mineral density in older men when more of the seeds are consumed. It’s important role in ensuring food security for the populace has not been overlooked by the present administration through the 7 point agenda. Fluted pumpkin consumption has improved over the years and it is an important component of the daily diets of Nigerians (Okoli and Mgbeogu, 1983). Due it’s hypolipidemic action, it lowers blood cholesterol and thus protects from a large range of associated complications like cardiac problems, hypertension and diabetes Margret, (2011).
The joint FAO/WHO 2003 consultation on diet, nutrition and prevention of chronic disease recommended a minimum intake of 400g of leafy vegetables which helps in preventing and managing of nutritional and also health related diseases that are rampant in rural areas. According to Chweya and Denton (2000) the nutritional contribution of fluted pumpkin is essential for good health and growth among lactating mothers. The seed of fluted pumpkin contains essential nutrients in significant amounts which can supplement other foods (Christian and Ejeafehe, 2007). It has been shown that adding fluted pumpkin seeds to diet compares favourably with conventional drugs in reducing inflammatory symptoms of arthritis (Doan, 2008).
According to Koomolafe (1978), the uses of vegetables include:
Practical study of crop plants in school gardens, good sources of food, reasonable income by selling the vegetables.
Other uses of vegetables have emerged due to recent studies. They include:
Medicinal value of some vegetables compare favourably with conventional drugs.
Planted as cover crops that helps prevent and reduce soil erosion and leaching and also they out compete weeds (reducing the need for pesticides)
Mitigate global warming by carbon sequestration.
Vegetables have deep and extensive root system that can hold soil to capture dissolved nitrogen before it can contaminate ground and surface water.
Apart from fluted pumpkin, other vegetables produced in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State include water leaf, bitter leaf, green
leaf (African spinach), Okro, pepper etc. Fluted pumpkin producers in the study area are faced with challenges of seedbed preparation, seedlings, pest management, fertilization, harvesting, transportation, processing and marketing as other farmers.( Awerosuo, 2008).