1.1. Introduction
Library is defined as a place in which books, manuscript, recordings, films, or reference materials are kept for private or public uses. Typically, a library must be able to handle some housekeeping information such as acquisition, interlibrary loan, cataloging, circulation, serial management, statistical report and references. A library management system software package is designed especially o handle such housekeeping tasks. A rapidly growing of information technology adds some features to library management or stock control system software packages such as features to handle digital-media, e-book, e-journals, online public access catalog (OPAC), a feature to connect and exchange information with a digital library system, an ability to connect with networks of co-libraries, machine-readable cataloging (MARC) standard support.
In an article wrote by D. Chudnov (1999) the founder of the open source systems for libraries project, three pilot library-related open source software projects were mentioned. These projects are the three main components of library management system software packages. The first component is a traditional service such as acquisitions, cataloging, circulation and serial management.
1.2. Theoretical Background
Effective and efficient management and control of library materials/stock has posed huge difficulties to libraries at different level over the years, the high magnitude of material/textbooks theft, the general inconvenience experience by both the users of the library and management as well. The e-library environment which will be implemented at the end of this research work will bring great relief to the general world of research as it regards library and the control of its stock/materials electronically.
1.3. Statement of the Problem
As aforementioned, several problems has bedevil the operations of library ranging from poor strategy of management of its resources, the problem of inadequate finance to push for the proper resuscitation of the library to electronic standard, the unabated theft of library materials, and the unwholesome usage of the general facilities of the library.
1.4. Aims and Objective of the Study
- To develop an electronic library that will help/support users to get item that are available in the library.
- To develop a system that will be use to control the inflow and outflow of stock/materials in the library.
- To develop a system that will reshape the structure of the academic work.
- To develop a system that will improve the academic and computerized knowledge base of both users of the library and librarians.
1.5. Significance of the Study
- It would help minimize the time of search to find the information of the particular text.
- The electronic system will be a user friendly system
- It would create convenience to the library attendance/librarian.
- It would help the government and school management to save more funds.
- Cataloging of textbooks would be made easy.
1.6. Scope of the Study
This research works covers the implementation of a computerized library stock control system that will be used to monitor inflow and outflow of library materials in other to curtail thievery/theft.
1.7 Organization of the Research
This research work has five chapters. Chapter one contains the theoretical background, statement of the problem, aims and objective of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, organization of the research and the definition of terms. Chapter two focused on the review of related literature. Chapter three is concerned with system analysis and design, chapter four discussed on the system implementation and documentation; chapter five contains, summary, constraint of the study, conclusion and recommendation.
1.8. Definition of Terms
Catalogue: A list of items in systematic order.
Statistical: A fact or piece of information obtained by studying numerical data.
Extrapolated: To estimate the value of a quantity that falls outside the range in which its value are know.
Artifact: (software development), one of many kinds of tangible by product produced during the development of software.
Sparsely: Occurring, growing, or settled at widely spaced intervals; not thick or dense.