A battery charger is an electrical device employed for charging batteries. This batteries that are usually charged by battery changer are the storage battery charger are the storage batteries also known as “accumulator” the battery changer changes. The alternating current form the power line into d.c suitable for charging.
When the battery is fully changed, is up to it’s maximum, 12 volt, the charger with automatically stop changing with the help of the contact relay, the transistor and the zener diode when bend the current back to the system.
A battery charger is an electrical device employed in charging batteries that are usually charged by battery charges are the storage batteries also known as “accumulators”.
The charger is made up of various electrical and electronics component which for the purpose of clanty are group into your basic unit they are:
The power supply units
The smoothing circuits
The regulating unit and
Regulated D.C charging units
Battery chargers comes in various designs and voltage. The choice of a particular and of charger that depends largely int eh size of battery or battery or batteries which on mterds to charge the mini battery changer could be used to charge batteries whose voltage ranges from 6 – 12 volts. The bigger battery changes are for batteries with voltage ranging from 12 – 48 volts. These are the heavy duty batteries.
The battery charge is builts in such a way that it delivers a constant value of d.c current into the battery it is charging in the opposite direction from which current flows on the batteries during discharge one cannot successfully design a battery charge with out a fundamental understanding of the accumulator because it also makes up the operation.
Thus chapter two aimed at a brief study of the accumulator (battery). Chapter three deals with the power supply units which series as the backbone of the battery charger and how the automatic cut off is achieved.
Chapter four fully analysis the operates of the battery charger and its casing which chapter five while happen to be the last chapter aimed at concluding the summarizing what has been achieved at the end of the project.
A battery is a group of electrical cells connected in series or series/parallel produces electrical energy as a result of chemical energy stored on it.
Batteries are generally divided into two groups these are the primary cells and secondary cell which are mostly known as a storage batteries or accumulators.
Primary cell which are usually dry cell for example, touch batteries (the lechanche dry all) the mercury cell etc. the cannot be re-charged ones their chemical energy is fully utilized.
The secondary all or storage all can be re-charged ones their chemical energy is fully utilized, hence we will discuss more on these kinds of cells (as they are the ones that will be charged with a battery charger).
The storage cell are also known as accumulator. In these types of cells, the chemical althon between the electrode and the electrolytes is trudy reversible. A current (d.c) passed though it in opposition to its E.M.F reforms the original material of the electrodes and the cell can therefore be sued again and again. We shall consider two of the most common types of storage cell.
The nickel – iron (Nike) accumulator, the asteve material in the positive plates in nickel oxide (N12 03) and the negative plates finally divided. The electrolyte is a solution of potassium hydroxide (K0H) when H2 ions movest anode and S04 ions to the cathode. At anode (Pb02) it combine with oxygen of (Pb02) and H2 S04 attacks lead to forum pbS04.