In most developing countries, cooperative societies constitute the most important aspects of rural development. It was proposed as a result of the evils of the industrial revolution as of (1750 – 1850. It was when the factory owners (the capitalists) exploited workers bitterly in order to maximize profit. During that period unemployment was rife and were extremely low. There was child labour, shop keepers on their own part sold adulterated goods. The worker lived in crowded shanties in unsanitary conditions. The worked for more than twelve hours in ill ventilated factory buildings
That looked like a prison yard
These anti-social effect of the life industrial revolutions resulted in wide spread of poverty and sufferings while others died of malnutrition, disease and starvation. Life was so hard that the decade became known as “hungry forties” it was because of all these problems that great men (workers) started fighting for social reform they retailed with violence and strikes they condemned the evils of capitalist.
It was then that the apostles of Robert owen (the Owenties) Dr Willian king, JohnLyod Charles Hawarth, Willaim owenite. Willaim pare looked for the better way to solve their problems and later proposed the word co-operatives as a solution to wipe out those evils. The gospel spread all over the countries of the world throughout cooperatives movement.
When they have succeed in 1750 through the help of Rochadale pioneers of 1844, they carried on the gospel o cooperative. The rochdale pioneers include.
– Charles fourier
– Charles Donwin
– Louise Blank
– Phillipe scotta
– Philipe Buchez