Technology on batteries has advanced over the years as a result of the need to power portable devices that have risen in numbers in the last decade. Just like primary cells, rechargeable batteries work in the same way, only their chemical reactions are reversible. This project aimed at building a system that would indicate the capacity level of a Nickel Metal Hydride battery upon charging and discharging. The Nickel Metal Hydride battery was selected in this project due to its preference among consumers. However, since the principle behind the rechargeable battery technology is similar, the system can be used to test other types of batteries. System implementation involved designing and building a battery charger circuit and a discharge circuit. Software design then followed, after which testing was performed. The project uses a LM3914 driver IC use to drive 10 leds by passing through it sufficient amount of current. Brightness of leds are controlled by reference adjustable pin and reference out pin. The project goal was achieved and results were presented through numeric figures, charts and indicators. The system is expected to help in planning with batteries to avoid halt of devices during operation. The results gathered during testing point to possible reduced battery wastage. A better way to handle batteries to conserve capacity has also been highlighted.