Every year, new technology is found in which computers is one of them, computers take part in solution of business problems, initially, they were seen as capable of performing calculation, which would be impossible, which came the commercial break through were faster method of input, and output are more developed and it was realized that much clerical, budget could be removed by using a machine to perform routine task.
Computer is used in different areas, including the modern shops. Manually, the effective and smooth management of a modern supermarket inventories of stock and daily sales are kept in note books, which is made up those paper or document in which information are kept or stored. Such information include quantity of goods bought, name /part number of goods, price of each item bought (unit price) and the cost of goods bought which is usually its unit price multiplied its quantity.
The objective of this project is to design a logic which with the aid of computer system will effectively handles operations which were mentioned above as being normally carried out in modern shop ie computerization of a modern supermarket.