Computerized Tax Management System, CTMS provides flexible and cost effective independent tax services for corporate tax departments. Computerized Tax Management System, CTMS skilled tax professionals are experts in Federal, state or international corporate tax matters, and serve clients on a co-sourced, outsourced or project basis. This project is aim at designing an Computerized Tax Management System in board of Internal revenue Enugu. This is achieved with the help of programming language like visual basic. A good tax system should be structured so that it can be administered efficiently and economically. Taxes that are costly or difficult to administer divert resources to non-productive uses and diminish confidence in both the levy and the government. Worse still, waste can also be created by excessive tax rates; economic efforts are then shunted from high- into low-yielding activities, from productive enterprises into tax shelters, and from open, above-board transactions into hidden, off-the-record participation in the underground economy. When this happens, the important principle of tax neutrality (which maintains that a tax should not cause people to change their economic behaviour), implied by Smith, is violated.