This is a proposal on a project topic:
This work is a part of requirement for
the award of higher National diploma (HND) in business administration of Kwara
state polytechnic, Ilorin Kwara state. In this project, the research would
comment on the importance and significant of communication in an organization
especially manufacturing industries. Also, effective communication process
would be evaluated to let the readers know the reason why communication has to
be managed effectively in an organization.
The searchers would visit international
tobacco company Ilorin
for more findings on the project, and for collection of necessary on the
project, and for collection of necessary data to be used. The problem findings
would be analyzed in the project. The view of many authors, the organization
itself, manager and the people involved in the process would also be discussed
extensively. Based on the summary of findings and conclusion the authors
reasonable recommendation of how to improve the skill of communication process
in an organization settings and how it can be managed effectively to enhance
organizational development would be discussed.
Chapter one of these projects shows that
introduction, statement of problems, objectives of the study, scope and
limitation of the study, significant of the study, historical background of the
study and definition of the terms.
Chapter two shows the literature review,
chapter three of the project shows the research methodology, justification of
research methodology adopted, and method of data collection chapter four of
this project shows the presentation and analysis of data.
Chapter five shows the summary,
conclusion recommendation and bibliography.
Finally, the researchers hope the write up would not only attract attention of various organizations in Nigeria, but would also form an important topic of discussion among business education managers and industrialist. Therefore the researchers hope to summarize their finding, drawn conclusion and suggest recommendations, which would be put to valuable uses by the case study organization and other industry alike
page i
page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv-vi
Abstract vii-ix
of contents x-xi
- Introduction 1
- Background of the study 5
- Statement of the problems 9
- Objective of the study 10
- Significance of the study 10
- Scope of the study 11
- Limitation of the study 12
- Definition of terms 13
- Plans of the study 14
- Reviews of related literatures 15-43
- Research methodology 44
- Historical background of the case
study 47
- Population of the study 49
- Sources of data/method of data
collection 50
- Methods of data analysis 52
- Data presentation, interpretation
analysis 54
- Summary, conclusion and recommendation
Reference 72
is vital part of human existence, as long as there is life, human being
perpetually seeking to be heard and understood to look around us today, human
being are always interacting with one another.
The person wishing to be heard and
understood is the sender of the message. He generates meaning by encoding the
message in a way he thanks it would be understood. The person who is the target
of the message is the receiver. He listens to the messages, decodes, attributes
meanings to it and sends feedbacks to the sender depending on the meaning he
attributes to the message.
This is why communication has been
described as the process of generating and attributing meanings in an
organization setting, nothing can be achieved without communication, because
organization exists to accomplish goals that a single individual cannot tackle.
It is then compulsory for interaction of all sorts to take place on organization.
Communication in organization is the transfer of information between manager and his staff. It is a necessary process in directing the efforts of others towards the achievement of results. If management entails getting things done through people, communication is the essence of it, for without effective communication no one would know what they are supposed to be doing, Nor would there be any basis for answering questions solving problems, obtaining feedback or measuring result.