- Introduction
- Background of the study
- Statement of the problem
- Objectives of the study
- Hypothesis of the study
- Scope of the study
- Significance of the study
- Plan of the study
- Definition of terms
CHAPTER TWO: Literature review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Concept of Budget
2.2.2 Budgeting and Budgetary control
2.3 Budget cycle and budget process
2.4 Benefits of budget
2.5 Conditions for a successful budgeting
2.6 Effects of limiting factor on budget
2.7 Behavioural Implication of Budget
2.8 Application of budgeting to non-profit
making organization
2.9 Budget Improvement Techniques
2.10 Review of empirical studies on budgeting and
budgetary control
CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology
3.1 Historical background of the case study
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sampling method and sample size
3.5 Sources of data method of data collection
3.6 Method of data analysis
3.7 Limitation of the study
CHAPTER FOUR: Data presentation and analysis
4.1 Presentation of Data
4.2 Data Analysis
4.3 Test of Hypothesis
4.4 Discussion of findings
CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, conclusion and recommendation
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
Budgeting has become one of the
indispendable tools in modern day management (for both profit and non-profit
making organizations). This is because budget and budgetary control, both
at management and operational level
looks at the future and lays down what has to be achieved. Budgetary control
checks whether or not plans are realized and puts corrective measures into
effect where deviations or shortfall is occurring.
In view of above blucher and Chan
(1999), believed that a good management implements planned operations to attain
the target results. Planning is a process of charting the future course to
attain goals, recognize opportunities and minimize the adverse effects of
uncertain and unavoidable events. Budget however, is one of the tools of
planning used by many organization, profit or non- profit, large or small,
service or manufacturing. However, budgeting at the early stage of its
development was concerned with preparing and presenting credible information to
legitimize accountability and to permi correct performance evaluation and
consequently rewards.
Over the year, the functions and focus
of budgeting has shifted considerably and business organizations become more
complex and their environment becomes dynamic coupled with the emergence trend,
the term budget has been differently defined and examined by various scholars
in several ways.
Budgetary control is part of the
overall system of responsibility accounting within an organization. It is the
system that provides a basis for maintaining the progress of the organization
as a whole and of its components parts, toward the achievement of the
objectives specified in the budgets. This study aim at examining the impact of budgeting
and budgetary control on the effective financial planning and control and the
overall performance of a tertiary educational institution.
Following the uncertainties prevailing
in the business environment today, managers must prepare to compete favourably
under these rapidly shifting conditions. In order to survive the environmental
complexities, managers of organizations (profit and non-profit) need sharp
tools, proven management techniques to forecast the major changes which are
likely to affect the socio- economic environment while they choose future
direction and dimension of resources needed to attain selected goals.
Budgetary control as proven management
tool helps organization management, and enhances improved performance of any
economic in different ways. Its primary functions is to serve as guide in
financial planning operation; its also helps administrative officials to make
careful analysis of all existing operation.
Budgetary and budgeting control
entails a distinct pattern of decision in an organization which is capable of
determining its objective, purpose or goals and how these goals are achieved by
establishing principal policies and plans. However, the inability to recognize
the problem concerned and fixing a boundary off investigation creates an
obstacles for the successful implementation of budgetary and control
(steward,1993). Some organization only look for narrow ranges of alternatives which the arrive at from their
past expenses and present situations, other management levels even avoid long
term planning and budgeting in favour of today’s problems thereby making the
problem of tomorrow more severe.
The above reflects the need for
organization to set up a formal mechanism for scanning its environment for
opportunities and give early system of future problem, this course of action
will improve the system of budgeting
and budgetary control, resulting in an expectation of improved
performance, in business and also in non-profit making organization like an
educational institution as seen in this study.
This research emphasized on how
effective budgeting and budgetary control can assist in achieving the
objectives of educational institutions at the tertiary level. Other secondary
objectives are:
- Examine the role of budgetary system as
a tool for effective financial planning and control in a tertiary educational
- Identify various ways that budget is
being applied as a means of financial control in tertiary institution
Examine the motivational effect of a good budgetary system on the employees of a tertiary educational institution