The ill treatment that take place in our motor vehicle Drivers licensing office today, one have to wait endlessly in order to get his driver’s licensing or renew his driver license and so on.
This is a problem that is experienced daily, which robs the government a huge sum of money through fraudulent means. Being a system run manually, it is prone to many man-made errors both intentionally and unintentionally, which could be unnecessary delays in attending to customers due to the manual processing of information and delays in going through helps of files in their achievement to get necessary information that will aid in present information processing.
Going by this, if should be clear, that the use of computer in this establishment cannot be over-emphasized and should be encouraged to emulate the western for the highly industrialized societies that have long ago recognized the efficiency and effective of computerization.
A new computerized system is designed and implemented the aim of this project is to develop software that could check-make also help in the creation of a common data based for driver’s licensing system. This system finally becomes easier, timely reliable and efficient in work flow.