The attitude of parents towards female education is a topic many
people frown at in the developing and undeveloped countries. It is
regarded of them as taboo that female education is very important to
enable matured persons especially parents acquint themselves with the
efficacy of female education in the position sense.
Female education has been misunderstood by many as a means of sexual harassment due to ignorance. The topic is considered to be paramount, as well as an important mechanism because secondary schools and higher institution of learning in our country Nigeria have been plaque with the problems of poor moral decadence among females in academics. Attempts have been made to define female education as parenthood education, education for effective or hygienic living with feminine gender as an integral Inseparable part of the individual. Female education helps the individual to develop the fullest creative skills as sexual human being at all stages of life.
As the name implies, it is perceived as the provision of female
awareness or knowledge to people in the conceptual nitty gritty, female
education is a comprehensive programme of individual development right
from infancy to the declining year.
It is a programme designed to produce fully and charismatic desirable
attitudes, values and moral behaviors amongst female, therefore the
concepts of female education is broad in scope as it encompasses family
and society. Teenagers in the society as well as children want to know
about sex. Traditionally, children are supposed to receive information
about the dangers of sex from their parents but many parents do not
instruct their children about sex at all.
Eyitayo (2005) observed female education as those aspects of the
curriculum whether from all or information which loyalty encompasses
such topics as an anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system
sexually transmitted disease or appropriate social aspects of sexuality.
In my own view, female education is designed to give correct and
adequate factual information and understanding of problem of sex as its
expressing development and functions.
The provision of female education is vital because the norms guiding
sexual act has been broken by those societal norms, sex through parent’s
teachers or counsellors and education will provide information for
improving behavior and establishing personality in our society. This
information should be given to all the teenagers for our children to
know about sex.
Female education is concerned with the mechanics of personality and
character development as well as sex information and the techniques of
sex act.
Adolescence age which starts from about the age of twelve to about twenty years is a period of transition from one point of rapid physical changes or conflicting motive and expectation to another and to maturity. It is a time by which someone undergoes dramatic changes physically, socially and emotionally. In the way of entering into adolescents is exciting after all it means that one his way to become an adult. Teenagers who experience physiological changes should quite appropriately learn more about female education.
In the period of the adolescents changes takes place in the body to
prepare you for sexual reproduction which takes years to complete and it
affects more than the development of reproductive organs.
Girls usually start puberty between 10 to 12 with an increase in the
hormone levels, notably of estrogens in girls that transformations that
follows; in this period, changes which occurs begins by having monthly
discharge of blood secretions and tissues debris from the uterus.
The menstrual period is usually accompanied by cramps as a dropping
hormones level growth of pigmented body; Hair breast development and
enlargement of pelvic girdle.
These changes causes certain amount of anxiety, insecurity and self
consciousness for adolescents situation is further complicated by a lack
of correct information above the normal processes of maturity and the
range of which changes occurs.
The researcher intends to find out the problems that could bring
solution to female education in Uhunmwonde local government area of Edo
state. It has been observed that parents attitude toward female
education had created a great gap between the masculine and feminine
counterparts in the society. It is believed that this project work will
fill this gap. Female education being a controversial and debatable
topic have made some parents to avoid communication or not given
information concerning this topic to their children this is because of
fear that their children might go lay wire onto practicing sex after
they have been taught.
The following questions were posed for the study;
1. Does the teaching of female education make teenagers become juvenile delinquents and drop out of school?
2. Does the teaching of female education encourage promiscuity?
3. Should female education be taught at home or at school?
4. Should female education be encouraged and incorporated into the school curriculum?
5. Should parent’s teacher attitude be a pivoted tool in the teaching of female education?
6. Does moral belief and ethics affect the teaching of female education?
To enlighten and educate the parents on the need to encourage the
teaching of female education and change their attitude positively
towards the growth and development of great teenagers for nation
building and development
This study will enable our female youths to cope with their
developmental task of becoming responsible women in future, it will also
give correct and factual information and understanding of the effect
and implication of despising female education and to assist parents,
mothers and fathers inclusive on the need to acquaint sibling on the
essence of female education for a brighter tomorrow.
The nation stands to gain from it because it will promote good family planning which will of course reduce the population rate.
The scope of this research is limited to schools in Uhunmwonde local
government area in Edo state. The study will cover five secondary
schools, some selected parents above.
Adolescence: it is the stage of life between childhood and adulthood. It is a time in which some one undergoes drastic changes physically.
Education: this is the acquisition of skills and
attitude which change individual to become distinct personality in the
society and it also makes an individual to impact knowledge from unknown
to known.
Taboo: a cultural or religions custom that does not
allow people to do, use or talk, does not occur above a particular thing
as people finds it offensive.
Puberty: this is the period of onset of sexual
maturity, it the change that takes place in the body to prepare somebody
for in hormone reproduction.
It is also the increase in hormone levels notable of oestrogen and progesterone in girls.