Teaching is an old profession for centuries the teachers has been a reverend individual, a person seen to posses ability to impart knowledge on others. Business education has been in existence in the traditional Africa society but it was not institutionalized. Knowledge of any occupational area was usually acquired through apprenticeship system until recently when it was institutionalized in Nigeria. However, as the nation moved towards a scientific and technological advancement, it becomes necessary for more people to be involved in the industries and the only way the need manpower can be achieved is through education.
Education is universally recognized as a good thing, hence nation spend large part of their budget to provide education to their citizens. It is a common knowledge that individual differs in their level of academic attainment motivation and educational needs. For these reason, variety of educational provisions are made with a view to meet varies and. In Nigeria context, the national policy of education (FRN, 2004 revised) provides for educational structure which is meant and business courses junior and secondary school curriculum. The national policy on education (2004) noted the need for the acquisition of appropriate skills, ability to the development of the society. Business education is seen as education that prepares youth and adult for employment in a specific occupation of family occupation by providing experience which enable them to develop competencies needed to perform the duties and functions for such employment. Business education student’s teacher learnt the profession (Wenrich and Wenrich, 1979) which help to train youth for employment in industries commerce and other enterprises by exposing them to experiences which provide them manipulative, informational and attitudinal skills. This types of education also trains adults who are already employed and whose skills may have become absolute, and requires either and an update of skills in his occupational or a retaining in other occupations. In this context, the type of business education students teachers programmed made available to youths and must be relevant to other needs and the needs for the occupation. According to Ryaner and Herman (1988) occupational courses need to help graduates to function effectively, both on graduation in the foreseeable future by reflecting on the present and future needs to the occupational area. It also emphasizes the provision of graduates with the principles and problem solving procedures which will allows them to adjust to the changes occurring in their occupational area.
The goal of business education as derived from the central tenet of democracy and from a common and deep appreciation of the value of dignity of work include the following:
- To prepare the learner for entry into employment and advance in his chosen career.
- To meet the manpower needs of the society
- To increase the options available to each students
- To serve as a motivating force to enhance all types of learning
- To achieve these learners to wisely select a career.
To achieve these goals, various business education courses in the system of education, despite the fact that there are shortage of professional trained business education teachers, the few available ones would be business teachers that show a negative attitude towards the profession thereby learning it to suffer from lack of professional teachers in the area. In launching the send national development plan (1990) the federal republic of Nigeria attribute high dropout rate in secondary school to poor quality of teaching. This general public also blamed the falling standard of education on non-devotion to duty on the part of teachers so the government realized the importance of business teachers therefore committed to the improvement and expansion of business educational training programmed and conditions of services for business education teachers in the country. In this effort to change the attitude of a service teacher towards the teaching profession.
Attitude according to Aluaex (1989) means a behaviour which is regulated, filled with emotions varying in intensity and generally accorded to the specific situation over which they apply. He observed that such attitudes is learned to form a component of the characteristics trait of interest, appreciation like, dislike, opinions, values and ideas of an individual. Thus, students attitude towards teaching profession relates to their emotional reaction, interest, attitude, satisfaction, feeling and values in the classroom.
For Nigerian to attain technological progress and excellence, it requires devoted training of business education teachers specially for the challenging competition I 21st century. Business education teachers that are undergoing training must develop and have the characteristics, traits, interests, attitude, to be able to teach effectively in a challenging environment. It is generally observed that students prefer to chose other professions than teaching upon graduation. In view of the foregoing, it appears pertinent therefore to assess the attitude of business education students in Ovia North East Local Government Area towards teaching profession. A persons attitude is reflected in his/her perception and cognition which in turn can be inferred determinant of any action of people, objectives, ideas, or any other concept within a psychological field is the established attitude to teach them the statement of the problem is that there is lack of research evidence regarding business education students teachers attitude towards teaching profession in Ovia North East Local Government Area. The knowledge derived from his study will go to their interest, gender, attitude, age and other characteristics traits.
Teaching profession among business education student, according to their interest gender;
- What is the general attitude of business education student towards teaching profession
- Do male and female student differ in their attitude towards teaching profession
- Do students differ in their attitude towards teaching profession according to what they are?
- What are the characteristics of indifferences of Ovia North East Local Government Area, who were interviewed in the course of this research work?
The main purpose of understanding this study is principally to educate or find out the following:
- To find out if business education students teachers are not capable or willing to impact knowledge on others.
- To prepare youth and adults for such employment
- To get experience which enable them to develop competencies needed to perform the duties and functions for such employment.
- To train youths for employment in industries, commerce, and other enterprises.
- It helps to expose them to experience which provides/help them manipulate, informational and attitudinal skills.
- What is the general attitude of business education students towards teaching profession?
- Does knowledge of the subject important for effective teaching?
- Does teaching profession make ones to grow all round knowledge?
- Do business education student teacher work in other industry outside teaching?
This study will provide information to our educational planner on some factors which can constitute obstacles in the achievement of the aims and objectives of business education. This study will also provide necessary guidelines which will be helpful in eliminating some of the factors which frustrate business education students towards teaching profession. The problems of getting as a career as one who is becoming acceptable as higher school graduate while some see teaching as a waiting room for better job.
Attitude: An enduring feeling towards an individual objects a solid institution or group. (Educational psychology by Bair Jonbes and Samles pg 472). This is also regarded to as how a student feels about the subject and how it affects his or her study of it.
Attitude: is for natural or acquired talent.
Interest: This is the condition of wanting to know or learn about something.
Area of Specialization: Is to become a specialist for a particular subject.