This study was designed to evaluate the compliance level of senior secondary school English language teachers with the professional standard by TRCN. It also determined the influence of qualification, school location and gender on teachers’ compliance with the standards. The study was guided by seven research questions and three null hypotheses. The descriptive survey research design was adopted. The population of the study was 118 English Language teachers of secondary schools in Nsukka Education zone, which was the area of the study.The sample of the study was 50 respondents. Multi-stage sampling technique was used first to draw schools as stratified under rural and urban areas before the sample was drawn. The instrument used for the study was the Professional Standards Questionnaire for English Language teachers (PSQELT). Three experts validated the PSQELT and reliability was ascertained through trial-testing using 20 teachers. The internal consistency of PSQELTwas calculated using Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient Method which gave an overall index of 0.87. Mean and standard deviations were used to answer the seven research questions while t-test statistic was used to test the three null hypotheses that guided the study at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the study among others indicated that the teachers’ level of compliance with the expected standards on all themes were good. The result also showed that there was a significant difference between the mean rating scores of qualified and non-qualified English Language teachers on their level of compliance with professional standards and that school location and gender has no influence on However, no significant difference was notice in terms of location and gender on professional standards. The conclusion of the study was drawn and implications highlighted. It was, therefore, recommended that qualifications of teachers is necessary for them to be obtain a high level of compliance, thereby, improving students’ interest and achievement in the subject. The limitations of the study were highlighted and suggestions were made for further research.