1.1 Introduction
the last century, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased
by more than 30% as a result of human activities. The effects of climate change
are becoming more pronounced and they include droughts, floods, heat waves and
changes in the weather patterns. Global temperatures have increased by almost
0.8°C over the past 150 years. Without any global action, it is expected that
temperatures will increase further by 1.8 – 4 °C by 2100 (IPCC, 1996). It is
anticipated that this rise will result in sea level increment of 15 to 95
centimeters. While the transportation sector is crucial to a nation’s economy
and personal mobility, it is also a significant source of GHGs. Nearly 50% of
global CO, HCs, and NOx emissions from fossil fuel combustion come from
internal combustion engines (ICE). The contribution of the transport sector to
total CO2 emissions in developed nations is forecast to increase
from 20% in 1997 to 30% in 2020 (Ken et al., 2004). The transport sector
accounts for almost all the oil demand growth around the world (Ming et al.,
2009). The world transportation oil demand has continuously risen with
increasing GDP. World forecasts show that transport oil demand in developing
nations will increase three times more than in developed nations. Increasing
income will cause a tremendous increase in car ownership in developing
countries, where the vehicle stock is expected to triple (IEA, 2006).
Developing countries account for about 10% of the global automobile population
and a little over 20% of the global transport energy consumption. In
comparison, the United States alone consumes about 35% of the World’s transport
energy (Shiva, 2006).
vehicles are among the main consumers of world energy and they dominate global
oil utilization, consuming up to 80% of transport energy. The transport
sector’s share of oil consumption has been increasing steadily at around 0.6%
per year. Current policies are not sufficient to control road vehicle energy
use. Even if governments implement all the measures that are currently being
considered, projections by the International Energy Agency (IEA) show that road
vehicle energy use would still rise between now and 2030 at 1.4% per annum
respectively(IEA, 2006). In developing nations, it is envisaged that with
rising income and the rapidly rising mobility that accompanies it, the increase
in automobile emissions will be even greater than the developed nations. Steady
growth in vehicular populations has put environmental stress on urban centers
in various forms particularly causing poor air quality. There is growing
evidence that links vehicle pollutants to human ill health. Motor vehicles are
major emission sources for several air pollutants, including nitrogen oxides
(NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO) (Suresh et al., 2009). These pollutants have
significant adverse effects on human beings and the environment. Vehicle
emissions cause both short and long term problems associated with health
effects. For example, HCs and NOx are the precursors of ozone gas, which has
effects ranging from short term consequences such as chest pain, decreased lung
function, and increased susceptibility to respiratory infection, to possible
long-term consequences, such as premature lung aging and chronic respiratory
illnesses (WHO, 2005).
most affected group is the urban inhabitants especially the traffic policemen
who are exposed to the fumes for a long period of time. Children attending a
school located near a busy way in Utrecht, Netherlands were compared with
children attending a school located in the middle of a green area in a suburban
area. It was discovered that respiratory diseases were more pronounced in the
urban than suburban children (Suresh et al., 2009). The severity of the problem
increases when traffic flow is interrupted and the delays and start-stops occur
frequently. These phenomena are regularly observed at traffic intersections,
junctions and at signalized roadways. Emission rates depend on the
characteristics of traffic, vehicles and type of road intersections. The age of
a vehicle and maintenance levels also contribute to the emissions of all
classes of vehicles. Further, the fuel quality has a direct effect on the
vehicular exhaust emissions (Perry and Gee, 1995).
most developing countries of the world vehicular growth has not been checked properly
by environmental regulating authorities leading to increased levels of
pollution (Han et al, 2006). Traffic emissions contribute about 50-80% of NO2
and CO concentration in developing countries (Fu, 2001; Goyal, 2006). This
situation is alarming and is predicated on the poor economic disposition of
developing countries. Poor vehicle maintenance culture and importation of old
vehicles, which culminates in an automobile fleet dominated by a class of
vehicles known as ‘’super emitters’’ with high emission of harmful pollutants,
has raised this figure of emission concentration(Ibrahim, 2009). The increase
in this traffic-related pollution is not based on the aforementioned factor
only, but also on low quality fuel, poor traffic regulation and lack of air
quality implementation force. These are clear indices to high levels of
traffic-related pollution in developing countries.
In Nigeria as
well as in other developing countries, which are not yet fully industrialized,
majority of the air pollution problems result from automobile exhaust. In the
major towns of some developing countries, because of tropical nature of the
climatic conditions, many activities are performed outdoors. People stay along
the busy roads every day either to do their work or to sell their wares.
Therefore, the ill effects on health due to air pollution resulting from
automobile exhaust emission must be very serious indeed (Ayodeleand Bayero,
Enugu State in
the absence of a reliable public transport system, has had air pollution
worsened because of an increased number of old second-hand cars, taximotorbikes
(popularly called okada), substandard petrol and other products imported into
the country. There is presently no available data on emission and impact of air
pollution in Enugu state, but it is anticipated that air pollution will become
a major health problem if adequate mitigation measures are not taken (Nwadiogbu
et al., 2013). In Nigeria much attention is given to general industrial
pollution and pollution in oil industries, with little reference to damage or
pollution caused by mobile transportation sources of air pollution (Faboya,
1997; Iyoha, 2002; Magbagbeola, 2001). Pollution from mobile transportation
is on the rise due to increase in per capital vehicle ownership, thus resulting
in high congestion on Nigeria city roads and increase in the concentration of
pollutants in the air, consequently, increasing health risks for human
population. In addition compared with the large volume and varieties of studies
carried out in the developed world, exposure studies carried in Nigeria are
relatively scarce. So as a vital step in focusing attention on these problems,
it is necessary to know the types of air pollutants present along with the
level of each pollutant.
1.2 Transport and Climate change
According to the
IPCC guidelines, the direct greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, hydro-fluorocarbons,
per-fluoro-carbons (PFCs), sulphurhexafluoride (SF6) and nitrous
oxides. The indirect greenhouse gases include nitrogen oxides (NOX),
carbon monoxides (CO), non-methane volatile organic compound (NMVOC), hydro fluorocarbons
(HFCs) and sulphurdioxide (SO2). Some GHGs such as CO2
occur naturally and are emitted to the atmosphere through natural processes and
human activities. Other GHGs (e.g., fluorinated gases) are created by human
activities. Current vehicle fleets emit significant amounts of carbon monoxide
(CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), total organic gases (TOGs) or reactive organic gases
(ROGs) more commonly known as volatile organic compounds, VOCs), particulate
matter (PM) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The VOC and NOx are precursors
to secondary ozone formation and aerosols and more importantly, particulate
matter and ozone are the two critical pollutants of greatest concern causing human
health deterioration and leading to a social cost (Guihaet al., 2009). The
direct greenhouse gases have different effectiveness in radiative forcing. This
can be determined by comparing their Global Warming Potential (GWP). GWP is a
means of providing a simple measure of the relative radiative effects of the
emissions of the various gases. The index is defined as the cumulative
radiative forcing between the present and a future time horizon expressed
relative to that of CO2. It is necessary to define a time horizon
because the gases have different lifetimes in the atmosphere. Methane and
Nitrous oxide have a greater GWP than carbon dioxide as shown Table 1.1.
Table 1.1: Global Warming Potential defined on
a 100-year horizon.
House Gases |
Warming Potential |
Dioxide |
1 |
Methane |
21 |
Oxide |
310 |
HFCs |
-11,700 |
PFCs |
– 9,200 |
SF6 |
23,900 |
Source: IPCC,
The main sectors
contributing to emission levels include energy, Industrial processes, solvents,
agriculture, land use change and forestry and waste. The power generation
sector currently accounts for 24% of the CO2 emission. Many forms of
transportation create GHG (including CO2) emissions, both direct and
indirect. Transport is one of the major contributors to air pollution problems
at the local, region and global levels contributing 14% of the global carbon
dioxide emissions. It relies on fossil fuel burning, primarily oil, and is now
the fastest-growing source of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly in developing
countries. Transportation accounts for 27% of total global energy consumption.
Greenhouse-gas emissions (CO2 and CFCs) from motor vehicles in
developing countries contribute less than 3% to the global greenhouse effect,
compared to a 9 to 12°% contribution from motor vehicles inOrganisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD) countries and Eastern Europe (Asif,
is growing number of motorcycles being used for fast transportation in cities
and towns across Nigeria. This has contributed to a large percentage of the
automobiles in Nsukka town. An analysis of motor cycle emissions is of great
importance given their growing numbers. Motor cycles are preferred to mini
buses for public transport because of their mobility and convenience. According
to the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA), motorcycles
contribute 38% of the total CO, 64% of HC and 3% of NO emitted from automobiles
(Lin et al., 2008). This implies that motor cycles have a potential of
producing high amounts of emissions if not checked.
Figure 1.1: Global Share of CO2 emission by Sector.
Source: Stern, 2006
According to the IPCC (1996), the world’s temperature is expected to increase over the next hundred years by up to 5.8°C. This is much faster than anything experienced so far in human history. The goal of climate change policy should be to keep the global mean temperature rise to less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels. At 2°C and above, damage to ecosystems and disruption to the climate system increases dramatically. This means that global emissions will have to peak and start to decline by the end of the next decade at the latest. Given that personal mobility is a pre-requisite of economic and modern life, the question arises on how to meet the mobility needs of a contemporary lifestyle and yet reduce direct and indirect emissions of GHGs. This is shown in Figure 1.2. Figure 1.2: Projected growth in CO2 emission levels in the world
From Figure1.2, assuming a business as usual scenario, the largest source of transport emissions is the OECD North America producing 37% of the total emissions. This is confirmed by the world highest car ownership of 0.6 vehicles per person in North America (Stern, 2006).Africa has the lowest projected CO2 emission growths followed closely by Asia. This is as a result of the low industrialization levels in these regions. However, the need to develop will see a twist in the future as the developing countries push for more industrialization to match the OECD.
1.3 Impact of different emission types
automobiles contribute to the degradation of air quality, there is no simple
means of measuring the precise impact. The impact will vary from city to city,
depending upon such factors as vehicle density, the split between petrol and
diesel vehicles, the type of vehicles on the road and their average age, the
traffic management systems in place and atmospheric conditions. The pollutants
from motor vehicles have significant adverse effects on human beings and the
1.3.1 Carbon monoxide