The chemistry of
platinum and sulfur has received tremendous attention since they were
discovered owing to their interesting chemical activities. Platinum earned its name only in the
18th century, although it was known since ancient times. The first known reference
to platinum is contained in the writings of the Italian physician, scholar, and
poet Julius Caesar Scaliger
(1484-1558). Scaliger apparently saw platinum while visiting Central America in
1557. Platinum was later found in large quantities as an impurity in 1750 by
Spaniards mining for silver
in Rio Pinto, Colombia. It was then named
“little silver” (sometimes called “white gold”). Its first
complete description was given by the Spanish military leader Don Antonio de
Ulloa (1716-95). While serving in South America from 1735 to 1746, de Ulloa
collected samples of platinum and later wrote a report describing the metal. De
Ulloa is often given credit for discovering platinum (in 1735) on the basis of
the report. The name ʺplatinumʺ was derived from the Spanish platina, meaning “little
silver”. Since its discovery, platinum and many of its compounds have been
used in catalysis, synthetic precursors and therapeutic medicine. They have
continued to gain important prominence in many areas.These include synthetic chemistry where they are
employed in synthesizing novel molecular systems, for which examples include
(2,2‘–bipyridine)dichloroplatinum(II) and cis–Bis-(acetonitrile)dichloroplatinum(II) used in Proton Enhanced
Membrane (PEM) fuel cells.They are also used in self-assembly of
supramolecular structures (Roxanne et al.,2008)e.g., {Pt(en)(4,4‘–dipyridyl)}4,
as synthetic precursors e.g. cis-PtCl2(PPh3)2
(Chatt and Mingos, 1970; Ugo et al.,1971).
In therapeutic medicine they are used as antitumor drugs (Ovejero et al., 2007)e.g., cis-platin,
PtCl2(NH3)2 {cis-diaminedichloridoplatinum(II),
used for treatment of testicular and ovarian cancers (Cotton et al.,1972)}.The glass
industry uses platinum for optical fibers and liquid crystal display (or LCD)
glasses, especially for laptops (B. V. Lenntech, personal writing on platinum).
Platinum has six
isotopes, with 194, 195 and 196 as the most abundant ones. It exists in
variable oxidation states ranging from 0 to VI, although several barium palatinates
have been synthesized in which the platinum exhibits negative oxidation states
ranging from –1 to –2, e.g., BaPt, Ba3Pt2 and Ba2Pt
(Karpov, Konuma and Jansen, 2006). Jansen (2005) had previously shown that cesium
platinate contains Pt2– anions.Complexes of certain
carbonyl anions with the general formula [Pt3(CO)3(µ-CO)3]n2-
possess formal negative oxidation states. Jansen (2005) reiterated that the
negative oxidation states exhibited by platinum are however unusual for
metallic elements, although they are attributed to the relativistic
stabilization of the 6s orbitals.Oxidation states of II and IV are
however most common. As expected, tetracoordinated Pt(II) complexes tend to
adopt 16-electron square planar geometries. The I and III oxidation states are
less common and are often stabilized by metal bonding in bimetallic (or
polymetallic) species. Zerovalent platinum complexes usually possess a
tetrahedral structure and are stabilized by phosphine ligands e.g.,{Pt(PPh3)3}
and {Pt[P(OR)3]4}. The tetracarbonyl complex, {Pt(CO)4}
does not exist unlike the nickel analog although {Pt(PF3)4}
and {Pt[PF(CF3)2]4} have been synthesized and
characterized (Cotton et al.,1972). Complexes
of Pt0 have been employed in catalysis, especially in C–C coupling
reactions because of the ease with which they undergo oxidative addition
reactions. Low-valence platinum forms numerous clusters, usually based on the
Pt3 triangle, as in the carbonyl phosphine complexes (Figure 1.0).
The cluster, [Pt15(CO)30]2– catalyzes the
hydrogenation of MeCN, PhCHO and other organic substances. The higher states V
and VI are seen only in a few fluoro compounds (Cotton et al., 1972).
Figure 1.0: Low-valence platinum cluster
with general formula Ptn(CO)x(PR3)y(n=x=y=3)
Platinum salts can
cause health issues (such as DNA alterations, cancer, allergic skin reactions,
organ impairment and hearing damage), but the metal element has not been linked
to adverse health effects (World health Organization, 2000). The health effects of Platinum salts are
strongly dependent upon the kind of bonds formed with body proteins. Platinum -protein
bonds are often the reason Pt moieties are applied as medicine to cure cancer.
Sulfur is known to
catenate, forming interlinked polysulfido ligands (Sn2)
where n is up to 8 (cyclic octatomic molecules). It is a strong coordinating
ligand with the tendency to extend its coordination sphere. This can be seen in
compounds ranging from terminal groups e.g.( [Mo2S10]2-)
(Clegg, Christou, Garner and Sheldrick, 1981) to μ-sulfido groups e.g. [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4]
(Ovejero et al., 2007) and to cluster
complexes such as [Rh17(S)2(CO)32]3-
which consists of a S-Rh-S moiety lying in the cavity of a rhodium-carbonyl
cluster (Vidal, Fiato, Cosby and Pruett, 1978). The coordination ability of
sulfur ligands manifests in the unique variety of structures they form with
most of the transition metals in different oxidation states (Bayo´n, Claver and
Masdeu-Bulto´, 1999). Sulfur is
an essential element in
biological systems, but almost always in the form of organosulfur compounds or
metal sulfides. Three amino acids (cysteine, cystine, and methionine) and two vitamins (biotin and thiamine) are organosulfur compounds. Many cofactors also contain sulfur including glutathione and thioredoxin and iron-sulfur proteins such
as feredoxins. Disulfides containing the S–S bonds confer
mechanical strength and insolubility of the protein keratin, found in outer skin, hair, and feathers.
Sulfur has 25 known isotopes, four of which are stable: 32S
(95.02%), 33S (0.75%), 34S (4.21%), and 36S
ability of sulfur to bind to heavy metals has also generated a lot of interest
in metal sulfides with diverse structures and applications. Typical examples
can be found in the occurrence of platinum (including the other group 10
members, palladium and nickel) and sulfur in alluvial deposits e.g., Cooperite
(Pt0.6Pd0.3Ni0.1S) (Wells, 1984; Carbri,
Laflamme, Stewart, Tunner and Skinner, 1978), Braggite (Pt0.38Pd0.50
Ni0.10S1.02) (Carbri, Laflamme, Stewart,
Tunner and Skinner, 1978) and the sulfide (Pt, Pd)S. As a soft acid, platinum
has shown a strong affinity for sulfur donors such as DMSO where numerous
complexes have been reported (Han, Huynh and Tan, 2000). Both SO2
and SO32-are coordinated to platinum via S rather than O.
There are also polysulfide dianions Sn2- which form
complexes with puckered MSn rings, e.g., K2PtCl4
and K2S4 yield [Pt4S22]4- which
consists of a [Pt4S4]4+cubane core surrounded
by six bridging ligands (Kim and Kanatzidis, 1993).Anionic thiolato
complexes such as [Pt(SR)4]2- and [Pt2(µ-SR)2(SR)4]2-
are also well known (Cotton et al.,1972).
The use of platinum compounds like cis-platin, oxaliplatin, thioplatin and
carboplatin as anti-cancer drugs is also a major factor that has greatly
influenced rising interest in platinum-sulfur complexes. Soon after B.
Rosenberg’s discovery in 1968 that the cis-isomer
of PtCl2(NH3)2 has antitumor activity, well
over 2000 different types of complexes with different amines and anionic
ligands were synthesized and screened (Cotton et al.,1972).The side effects of cis-platin include nausea and vomiting, hair loss, tinnitus,
hearing loss, and nephrotoxicity (Carinder, 2014).The
nephrotoxicity in particular and other therapeutic drawbacks generally
associated with platinum-based anti-cancer drugs have been attributed to the
high reactivity between sulfur and organo-thiolate compounds (such as
glutathione) with platinum (Taguchi, Nazneen, Abid and Razzaque, 2005). Investigations
for solution to the problem also provided additional drive for further studies
into platinum-sulfur complexes.
1.1 Statement of Problem
binding ability of Pt-S compounds toward a wide variety of electrophiles has
generated a lot of interest because of its potential as a synthetic template
for oganosulfur compounds (Wei, Wang and Guo, 2005). However, available
literature on the alkylation chemistry of [Pt2(µ-S)2(PPh3)4]
1 is limited to simple alkyls, aryls
and very few functionalized organic electrophiles (Devoy, Henderson, Nicholson and Hor, 2010).
There are still many functionalized organic electrophiles whose reactivity
toward 1 is not known.
In addition, reactions of 1 with electrophiles are not always straightforward as undesired
side products could be formed. Real time visualization and characterization of
products and other species in the alkylation chemistry of 1 by Pressurized Sample Infusion Electrospray Ionization Mass
Spectrometry (PSI-ESI-MS) could help in eliminating this problem, improve
isolation of target products, determine the reaction mechanism and allow for
the acquisition of reaction kinetic information. At present, this approach has
not been explored in solving the synthetic complexities surrounding the double
alkylation of 1.
Objectives of the Present Research