This study was designed to investigate if parents and peer groups of school students have any influence in the choice of a career among secondary school students. The relationship between the two primary factors (parental and peer group influence) and career choice was determined using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. One research question and one hypothesis were formulated to guide the study.Vocational Choice
Three research instruments were used. They are: the students occupational clusters preference scale (OCPS), peer pressure assessment scale (PPAS) and the parental influence assessment inventory (PIA). The population of the study comprises students in senior secondary school two (SS2). Result showed that there was no significant relationship between parental and peer group influence on career choice in humanities among secondary school students. It is recommended that counselors should work directly with parents and peers, especially as regards career development with a view to enhancing the positive aspects; this may eventually improve the career development prospects of our future workers.Vocational Choice.
In recent times, there has been growing interest in the interrelationships between career choice, peer group and parental influence. More importantly the focus has been on the factors that tend to move an individual towards a career. The achievement of children as they grow up has always been a matter of intense interest to parents. The young adolescent in school is expected to set high aspirations for him or herself and to work towards the achievement of those goals. Moreover, children are made to become aware of the prestige that goes along with successful career choice. Vocational Choice
Education, economic incentives, peer group influence and parental influence are sometimes used as pressures to induce the young adolescent into predetermined careers, regardless of the potentials, actual needs and ego of the child. The glamour associated with some careers often turn out to be an illusion. Empirical findings have confirmed to a greater extent, the impact of the family in which a person lives and the family goals and objectives on his/ her choice of career. Trost and Levin (2000) opined that the family influences the behaviour or character of a child. Tella (2003) also found that parents play an invaluable role in laying the foundation of their children’s career. In the same light Wikelund (2006), pointed out that the more intensively parents are involved in their children’s learning, the more beneficial are the achievement effects.Vocational Choice
Thus it is assumed that when parents monitor homework, encourage participation in extra curricula activities, are active in parent’s teachers’ associations and help children develop plans for their future, such children are likely to respond positively in academic activities. Alika and Egbochuku (2009) found that parental influence exerts a lot of influence on the educational attainment of the adolescent especially the socio-economic status of parents.Vocational Choice.