



The thesis of “statistical quality control on the production of Bread” emphasizes on the application of statistical techniques in the creation of goods statistical techniques in the creation of goods and services which is of utmost important to humanity.  Everyday, human being makes use of manufactured products for their daily consumption and livelihood.  This consumers are ignorant of the processes the food had gone trough before consumption.  They are also ignorant of how the raw materials were collected, how they are processed, they are only involved at last stage of the production which is the eventual resulted output from the raw materials. Therefore, it is of immense important that trails and correction of errors are following continuously in the production process in a firm such that when errors and short comings are corrected, it will provide an area for a reliable but standardized quality of output thereby enhancing the products as well as giving the desirable quality of products to the entire members of the society. In this research work, there is every tendency to illustrate this desirable impact of quality control in production of bread.





Production as the term entails creation of goods and services which is important to humanity.  The concept of statistical study encompasses the whole activities involved in the process of collection, organisation, analyzing, presentation and interpretation of the numerical data collected.  Quality control comprise the system of inspection analysis and action applied to a manufacturing operation in inspecting a small portion of product anvently produced.

In modern day industries, the complexities of industrial production and management has proved it necessary that the management must be supplied with statistical data of those concerning output, cost of raw materials etc, in order to achieve greater effectiveness in the combination of these factors used in production.

The statistical concept which involves the systematic collective of numerical data and the scientific method of drawing conclusion, inference to result on the basis of the collected information.  This two processes correspond to the main branches of statistics which are descriptive and inferential statistics respectively and which made them applicable to all human endeavours. Therefore the introduction of quality control as a statistical technique will enable firms to avoid shortcoming in the running and executive of function in such organisation.

The standard of the product of an industry depends on it’s quality, most production firms encounter some problems in the quality levels of their products. Before production starts a decision is necessary so as to know what is to be made.  Next comes the actual manufacturing of the product. Finally it must be determined whether the product manufactured is what was intended.  It is convenient to think of all matters related to quality of manufacturing product in terms of these function of specification production, and inspection.

Although the introduction of process inspection is some time a by product, it should be noted that a direct object of statistical quality control is to provides a new tool that makes process inspection more effective. The information obtained by process inspection – either conducted by roving inspections or by machine operators themselves is often misused to make too frequent machine adjustments. Therefore the use of statistical quality control is based on.     Whether to continue production, to stop production and look for an assignable cause of defect.


Product standardization of an industry depends on it’s quality.  Some problems are being encountered during production in the quality level of their products.  Before product starts, a decision is necessary so as to know what is to be made or produce. After that comes the actual manufacturing of the products than manufacture red is as following. In examining the theoretical process of bread or bakery.  There is the obvious involvement of measurement of quantities and the mixing of proportionate quantities of raw materials and even the timing of the process. Therefore the use of statistical quality control is based on

1.  Whether to continued production or

2.  To s top production and look for an assignable cause of detects.

Here it should be noted that a treat object of statistical quality control is to provide a better ways to improve product quality.  The issues of acceptance of raw material and manufactured product will meet bias judgement if a statistical standard is not, used in the judgement of acceptance and rejection of manufactured products.  Some questions came to my mind.  Do some of these manufactured bakery bread that consumers buy conform to the set standard for them?


The study of quality control has given a lot of impact in modern day industries.  This is due to scientific method under which it is being used in achieving the desired good in the quality standard of output produced.  When we talk about quality control in the industries. Will say the degree to which a product meets the requirement of the customers.  There are many aims and objectives while it should be embraced, and some of these reasons are.

i.  To construct statistical quality control chart for the key raw materials in use to maintain process assessment of both men and machine finally to output stage.

ii.  To construct statistical quality control for the product of highlife bakery Emene to revealed some practical problems that may arise is the control of Bakery Industries.

iii.  To also suggest better ways of improving product quality in Highlife Bakery.

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