Authentication is unavoidable in any environment where sensitive information is utilized. In accessing resources via the Internet, the most common means of identification required for authentication is the user’s identity and a secret passphrase known as a password. Studies have shown that the birth of graphical password which uses images/pictures/objects was out of the trivial password generated by users because of the inability to remember complex passwords when using text-based password. Graphical password is stronger and increases memorability. However, graphical-based password is faced with several challenges including, a high storage capacity for all the images/pictures/objects, no assistance for users in browsing through an array of images/pictures/objects and vulnerability to shoulder surfing attacks.
This work develops a graphical authentication
for web based application that tackles the aforementioned issues by using cued
recall technique which utilizes a grid system populated with pair of values and
set of colored rows and columns. A shoulder surfing resistant interface was
designed to assist users in generating a robust password.To improve the security of the system, One Time Password (OTP) was
used. The technologies and tools used were Apache web
server, MySQL database management system, PHP Hypertext Pre-processor (PHP) all
running on the WAMP platform, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML),
cascading style sheet (CSS) and JavaScript.
The graphical authentication
scheme was evaluated using Magic Triangle Evaluation model. The results showed
that the password space and entropy were2.61*104and 14.39
respectively. The scheme showed a level of
resistance of about 85% towards shoulder surfing attacks.
The study concluded that the graphical authentication scheme has a high level of resistance against shoulder surfing attacks but a low password space and entropy making it vulnerable to brute force attacks. It is therefore recommended to be used in an environment where shoulder surfing is inevitable and additional security mechanism should be added to reduce its vulnerability to brute force attacks. It can also be used as a Completely Automated Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA).
CSS Cascading
Style Sheet
DAS Draw
A Secret
E East
HMAC Key-hash
Message Authentication Code
HMAC-MD 5 Hash
Message Authentication Code – Message Digest 5
Message Authentication Code – Secure Hash
HTML Hyper
Text Mark-up Language
ID Identity
MAC Message
Authentication Code
MD5 Message
Digest 5
N North
NE North
NW North
Time Password
Hypertext Pre-processor
POI Point
of Interest
QR Quick
ROA Region
of Answer
S South
SE South
SHA 1 Secure
Hash Algorithm 1
SHA 2 Secure
Hash Algorithm 2
SHA 256 Secure
Hash Algorithm 256
SMS Short
Message Service
SSL Secure
Socket Layer
SW South
TLS Transport
Layer Security
URI Uniform
Resource Identifier
WAMP Windows
Apache MySQL PHP
WWW World Wide Web
- Login Page
- Registration Page
- Recovery Page
- Informed Consent
- Turnitin Report
1.1 Background to the Study
Networking in computer science is simply the connection of multiple electronic devices known as nodes for the purpose of exchanging information and this concept was groomed out of the need for man to connect and share information (which may be in the form of voice, video or data). The largest network in the world is the Internet and is described as a collection of vast mixture of networks in terms of topologies, architecture and communication technologies which however, utilizes a common set of protocols to offer certain services. In short, it is termed the network of networks (Ciubotaru & Muntean, 2013; Forcht & Fore, 1995). The Internet has aided in many major advancement and development today in our society. There has been an alarming rate of internet users from 400 million in 2000 to more than 3 billion internet users in 2015 (International Telecommunication Union, 2015).
Many organizations utilize the World Wide Web (www), one of the major and widely used service of the Internet to share information. The World Wide Web (www) is an information space in which relevant items, known as resources (e.g. image, audio, video or any other file), are identified by global identifiers called Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) (Berners-Lee, et al., 2004); in 2001 Google, a multinational technology company announced it provided customers direct access to 3 billion web documents on the Internet (Googlepress, 2001).
This technical wizardry of communication around the world has begotten the proliferation of computers and other ubiquitous devices since the 1960s and with it, a demand for organization to protect their digital information from unauthorized users and provide services to authorized users. The concern to protect information is a product of the Internet being a fully decentralized network and depends on voluntary cooperation between the thousands of network administrators throughout the world to provide individuals with access to this network of tremendously varied resources. Thus, the Internet is a public network owned by no one and sensitive information should be made exclusive to only the rightful recipient (Forcht & Fore, 1995; Menezes, Van Oorschot & Vanstone, 1997).